A Touch of Destiny (Pirates of the Caribbean fan-fic)

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   "Tell us where Tortuga is located and you can end all of this pain!" I swear, if I ever get out of here, he will be the first person I kill. *CrAcK!!!* I screamed in agony from the leather whip being violently laid across my torso. But no matter how much I wanted the pain to stop, I wouldn't give up the location of my friends' and crew mates' whereabouts. Even though this ship isn't very old, my cell, here in the brig, isn't the cleanest. The floors are moldy and the bars of the cells have crud all over them. Not to mention the lack of lighting. I have'nt seen daylight since I was thrown down here. The only true source of light is the lone lamp hanging above my head. I don't know about anyone else, but its soft, yet warm glow, gives everything a sadistic, eerie feeling. But, since I didn't co-operate, I soon felt another searing pain cross my body. *CrAcK!* "Tell us and it will all stop!" I think his name is Gillette or something along those lines. I hate him with probably all of my heart. His beady eyes are one of the only things that stand out in this god-forsaken place.  Oh who bloody cares Victoria?! You're getting your hide torn and you're wondering what he truly looks like and what his name is! *CrAcK!!* Once again, another ripple of shear pain crawled across my stomach. I could see the crimson liquid steadily flowing from the gashes on my stomach. My brassiere was now tinted a light red and the top of my trousers were a deep crimson thanks to gravity and the amount of blood flowing from my body. I had to grab on to the chains, that were attached to both the ceiling and my manacles, so i wouldn't fall when I lost conciseness. As if I had almost wished for it, my vision was becoming blurry and everything was beginning to fade out of existence. Soon, I was plunging into total darkness.


   I awoke to someone gently dabbing at my forehead and brow. My eyes flickered open to reveal a very concerned-looking Tia Dalma. Her eyes seemed to be searching for any signs of unhealthy conditions. I blinked a few more times before removing those infernal blankets. My breathing was slowly beginning to even-out as soon as I realised I was in my part of the shack.

   "It t'was da dream again, wasn't it chil'?" Tia asked. I nodded my head slowly and began to sit up. She handed me a glass of water to help with my dry throat.

   "This is the third time this week. Do you think something is wrong with me?" I asked her timidly, slightly afraid of the answer. As she ignored my question, she stood from her previous seat, a chair beside my bed, and walked over to a chest sitting in the corner of the room. To most people, the atmosphere of Tia Dalma's shack would be quite unnerving. With the occasional snake and the many jars that contain various specimens, it could be quite unnerving indeed. But every since she took me in under her care, it seems I have always had a connection with this place.

   "Victoria Everette! Chil'! How many times 'ave I told you dis is not a place to day-dream?" Tia called to me in a menacing, yet motherly, tone.

   "Sorry Tia. I was just observing the room, is all." I replied with a sheepish grin.

   "You 'ave been livin' here for seven years and you are STILL observing?! Ne'ermind. Here, drink dis and tell me what you feel." She said, handing me what looked like an old wine bottle decorated with different jewels. The contents couldn't be seen inside because of the amount of dust caked onto the outside. From what I could tell though, it seemed to be about half-empty.

   "What is it?"

   "Dat dere is a drink, now do as you are told and DRINK it!"


   "No buts! Now hurry chil'. I need to know quickly!" But before I could continue to argue with her, she had already taken the lid off and had put the bottle up to my lips and tilted it back. The warm liquid went smoothly down my throat without hesitation. She pulled the bottle away and set it aside as she watched me intently. "Now, tell me what it is you are feeling. How does de liquid taste?"

   "It's fruity. It almost tastes like coconuts and bananas mix- Ack!!!" As I tried to finish my sentence, the back of my throat began to burn something terrible. I tried to alarm Tia to get me some water but she refused and was studying my every move. So I decided since she wasn't going to give me the water, I might as well try to get it. Like I just said, TRIED. As I reached for the water myself, she took it and dumped it onto the floor. The bottle shattered and the contents, along with the glass, distributed itself all across the wooden planks that made up the floor. "Wha-aggh, What the Hell-agh, WHAT THE HELL TIA?!?!?" I screamed just as the burning sensation stopped. Just as I thought the torture was over, I could feel my heart starting to beat ever-more rapidly. My breathing was short and I was breaking out in a cold sweat. What the Hell was happening to me?!?!?!

*** Hey everybody! I'm really, truly sorry if this story sucks. I haven't been able to write in a while so, I might be a little rusty. :/ Anyways, please give me feedback to let me know how I'm doing and if you have any recommendations. Also, this is my first story on Watt-pad so I don't expect it to be perfect.***

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