Chapter 3

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    "Victoria?" I heard someone say. I immediately stiffened and slowly looked at the person who had said my name. When I saw it was the man who looked like Will, my heart started beating faster. I hadn't seen him since.... My thoughts became rigid and memories flooded back to me. I quickly shook them away and looked back up to the man.

   "W-will?" I asked uncertainly. My voice broke and I had hated it, but that thought quickly disappeared when I noticed the man had tears streaming down his face. I soon realized, after all these years I thought I would never see him again, that he was standing only a few yards away from me.

    "Victoria!" He cried and ran over and hugged me tightly. I returned the favor and quietly whispered his name. I didn't realize I had started crying until I tried to look up at his face and it was all blurry.

    "Will....." I said one more time, before some idiot interrupted us.


   "I'm terribly sorry to ruin this happy moment but we really need to get moving if you want to help your dearly beloved set free eh Will? Now, Master Pintel, Master Regetti, would you be so kind as to grab the lady and make sure she doesn't attempt another escape? Good. Come on men!" Ordered the Captain. They could try all they wanted to, but I was not going with them. Will was still holding onto me and I him when I sensed two people cautiously walking up to us. Hoping that he still remembered, I tapped on Will's back three times. I felt him stiffen and I knew that he understood and that brought a smile to my face. I slowly drew my arms back to me and slid my hands in between us and brought them down to the beginning of my trousers. To any on-lookers, it would look like I was trying to feel him up. But as it was, that wasn't the case at all. I was retrieving two of my four daggers that were neatly sown into the lining so that way I could access them easily but they would be hidden from any prying eyes. I quickly slipped them into my hands as I looked up at Will. He looked down at me with a tear stained face and gave me a warm smile. I smiled back just as the two men reached us.

   "Alright, come on Poppet. Nice and easy so that way nobody gets hurt." I recognized him as the fat one that I whipped earlier. This caused a devilish smirk to spread across my face and for a mischievous glint to twinkle in Will's eyes. I could see the men's reflections also in his eyes and as soon as the fat one touched me, I whipped around and stuck my blades to their throats. They let out a surprised squeak and immediately froze. The skinny one gulped while the fat one looked at me with fear-filled eyes. My smirk soon grew into a smile and I knew by their eyes darting to my mouth that my elongated canines were showing. Just that aspect about me drove away most people, and I took pride in that. If possible, my smile grew and that just made them shake with fear. Finally, the fat one spoke up again. "Or not. It doesn't really matter to us as long as you're happy!" The skinny one nodded his head and accidentally nicked himself on my blade. He winced but made no effort to touch it. At least there's more than just one smart cookie here. I thought to myself. All of a sudden, I felt cool metal touch my neck. I stiffened but took no more notice to it. I knew Will wasn't stupid enough to draw a sword at me so I knew that it had to be one of the others.

   "Alright lass. You've had ya fun. Put down the daggers and come with us. You's gonna help us find Davy Jones, and then we'll bring ya back to Tia and we will all go on with our normal lives." The voice spoke. I recognized it as the Captain's and I would have listened to him if he had only left the part about Tia out. There was no way I was going back there again. I don't care if she meant what she did or not, she ruined my trust and that is not something you want to do. I was already debating whether or not to fight the Captain, but he seemed to make the choice for me when I heard him mumble something about being a girl and not being able to fight. If anyone knows anything about me, they would know not to mention anything about males being superior to females in any way.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2013 ⏰

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