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A/N this is about 10 days later because I'm too lazy to write that much right now, but hey it's 10pm right now in Australia!
Luna's P.O.V
So it's been a few days now that we found the Island. And life has been great!
When we found the necklaces and everyone got one, amazing right?
Anyway since we all have one the island went back to how it was before whatever happened here happened. And oddly enough people just appeared too with the animals!

Paz and I been practicing how to do more magic and us being us put a spell on our   satchels to have never ending space and only weigh 1 kilogram, amazing I know.
(The satchel they have below)

These satchels are really special to us

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These satchels are really special to us. There were only 3 of them made and they belong to Paz, Red and me.
Red made them after one of her hunting trips when we went to America for 2 months to visit some family there.

Anyway it turned out that the people with the powerful charms on the necklaces were to be the Kings and Queens of the island but since Paz and I don't want the responsibilities mum and dad took the positions.

I had asked one of the elders about the empty missing necklace and no body knows where it is. But they do know that the missing necklace is one of the powerful ones.

I then asked about the dolphin charms and apparently they were thrown into the ocean about 1000 years ago to protect the is land and only when the powerful charms were all back on the necklaces and they all had an owner then the island would go back to normal.
"Red was the only other person with the dolphin charm, do you think she may still be alive?"
"I don't know, maybe? But hey don't look so glum! I think Red would have a fit if she found out you were sad. Because when your sad I'm sad then everyone is sad so cheer up. Ok?"
"I know but it's been a year now and she's still missing!!! She never even got to see Isola with her own eyes, I mean it was her dream to find this place and she isn't even here!!!" I said my voice breaking and the tears starting to fall.
"Hey, Sshhhh, Sshhhh, Sshhhh. It's okay, it's okay. Yes it was her dream to find this place, but she would be thrilled to know that we have found it. She would be so happy to know that you found that map and that you helped get us here. If anything she would be proud of you the most cause if it wasn't for you we never would of found that map and gotten here. So don't you dare feel guilty for Red not being here to see this! She would be so FRIKIN proud of you right now!!!" By this time Paz's voice broke and tears were also in her eyes.
So we just sat there silently crying in each others arms remembering the wonderful girl named Red that was our sister.
~~~~~~~~~~~~flash back ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(The last day they ever saw Red)
"GUYS I THINK I HAVE IT!!!" Red screamed from inside her work room.
We raced down the stairs and into the room to see Red in front of a large map of the world along with smaller maps around it.
"Don't tell me that you're still looking for Isola are you?" I asked slightly annoyed
"To answer your question....yes, now I do believe that I have located the island to about here" she said pointing to a part of the Pacific Ocean that know one had been to yet "About here is where I believe the island is located" she said with and approving smile on her face.

"Red you've been looking for this island for years and taken us all over the world to find nothing. When will you give up? This search of yours has taken over half of your life with no results yet you still choose to believe it exists?
SISTER!!! We all need to grow up sometime and stop believing in such nonsense!
And I do believe that it is time for you to grow up and stop going on all these wild goose chases you will never find the island, SO JUST DROP IT ALL READY AND GROW UP!!!" I was panting by the end of it.
"Well Luna." She paused her tears welling "Maybe I'm not ready to grow up yet."
And with that she walked away.

~~~~~~~~~~flash back over ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The next morning we found her gone with a few personal objects, her bow and quiver and her leather bag. I have always regretted saying that to her. The last thing I ever said to my sister was to grow up. And sometimes I think that if I had never said that than she would still be here.
WOOHOO 832 words yay🎉🎉
So Red is there sister😮 And she is missing😧 And Luna's last words to her was to 'grow up'?😱 What will happen next?!?

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