Chapter 4

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"Daddy!" Louis shouted sometime around 2 in the morning. Harry, obviously, thought that Louis was either having a sexual dream or was having a dream about his father.... Well, he was hoping that it was the second one and not the first one, but either way there was nothing to do about it if it was the first one.

"Daddy!" Louis shouted again, this time his voice sounding watery and a bit more quiet than it was before. Harry pulled the throw pillow over his head and tried to block out Louis' shouts and whines. It worked until there were feet padding down the hallway and a Louis calling his name from the end of the hallway that connected the living room to the bedrooms and guest bathroom.

"Yes doll?" Harry asked, though he wasn't opening his eyes yet and he wasn't moving anything but his mouth to speak.

"You weren't there when I woke up," Louis whined, sounding like a toddler that was about to lay down on the floor and throw a fit.

"It's not time to be up, Lou," Harry said, voice still full of sleep.

"But I'm awake. I'm not sleepy anymore. Please get up?"

"No baby, come on, come lay down with me on the couch. I can put on a nice tv show and you can have some warm milk and we'll cuddle," Harry said as he lifted the blanket (sheet) he had been sleeping under before Louis woke up.

"Milk?" Louis perked up, "What kind of milk?"


"Milk from the fridge or milk from your cock?"

"Fridge, dove, it'll be from the fridge. I'm not hard now and I'm beyond sleepy."

"Daddy, you don't have to do any work. I can do all the work," Louis tried to explain.

"Babe, it's not time to be up. How about this? We'll warm your milk up and then you can drink it and we'll cuddle."

"I don't want warm milk."

"Would you like hot chocolate then?"

"No thank you, I want your cum," Louis said with an innocent smile on his face.

"Come lay down with me," Harry said, still holding the sheet up.

"I brought the blanket from your room," Louis blushed as he walked over, the comforter from Harry's bed being pulled behind him.

"Alright, that's okay," Harry said as he turned the tv on. It was too early for morning shows and too late for the cool nighttime shows, so the only thing that was on was infomercials. However, Harry always had things in his DVR for when he woke up at bizarre hours of night.

Louis laid down on the couch on his side since Harry was laying flat on his back. Harry didn't want Louis to fall, though, so he gently pulled Louis onto his stomach. Harry liked how Louis' tummy felt when it was pressed to his, but he'd always been one for cuddling, so that's probably why. Harry wrapped both of his arms around Louis' waist to keep him in place while they finished their sleep.


"Yes dove?"

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, little love," Harry said as he kissed the top of Louis' head.

Harry could feel Louis moving a bit and getting situated. He knew that Louis was watching the show instead of trying to sleep, but he didn't really mind because there wasn't much he could do anyway. Harry fell asleep before Louis did, which Harry was kind of disappointed about. He just wanted to make sure that Louis was being healthy and was getting enough sleep.

Louis, on the other hand, was smiling at the movie playing. He'd switched it from where Harry had it on some boring show to Teen Beach Movie 2, because he was sophisticated and a grown up. He tucked his thumb into his mouth and watched the movie, laughing quietly at some parts and getting worried at others. Eventually, he nodded off and fell back asleep, wrapped in Harry's arms under the comforter with his thumb in his mouth and his head on Harry's chest. He'd never felt safer and happier at any moment than he did right in that time. He never wanted to leave the warmth and comfort and safety that Harry and Harry's tumblr hipster home.


"Harry, wake up," Louis whispered as he poked Harry's shoulder repeatedly.

"Why?" Harry groaned.

"Eleanor's back," Louis giggled.


"Can I go sit with her?"

"You don't have to ask me. I don't mind if you leave, Lou," Harry said as he was rubbing the boy's back.

After Louis was gone, Harry turned over so his back was facing the tv and he face was tucked into the couch cushion. He pulled the blanket back over himself, shivering as he now felt colder without Louis. He could hear Louis and Eleanor talking and giggling and doing whatever it is that they were doing.


"Louis, you're holding it wrong. That's why your eyeliner looks like a toddler scribbled on your face," Eleanor sighed, moving Louis' hand so that it was holding the pencil correctly. Eleanor had an idea that she would teach Louis how to use pencil eyeliner before anything else, then they'd move to the markers, then they'd go to the gel liner, and finally they'd go to the liquid eyeliner. The only reason she was teaching him in that order is because Eleanor thought it'd be easier to do it that way.

"Okay, I'm done with this.. Want me to teach you how to do the mascara and lashes or do you want to take a break from make-up with Louis?"

"Let's take a break."

"Aren't you planning on moving out soon?" Louis asked, putting his eyeliners in the bag that Eleanor gave him.

"As soon as I can get the time to pack and get a moving truck and tell Harry. Are you already trying to get rid of me?"

"No, it's not that, I just thought you were moving and I was confused. But when you move, we can use your room for a nursery," Louis smiled.

"You're pregnant?" Eleanor asked. Louis just winked and walked out. She could wait to find out whether she should be excited or nervous or something.

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