Rasberry Kisses

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Katie put her hands on her hips. "Travis Stoll!" She yelled, walking up behind him sitting on the beach. He turned.

"Yes, Katie Cat?" He asked.

"Don't Katie Cat me!" She said indignantly. "I know that you dyed our bonsai tree pink!"

Travis looked confused. "Wait. You have a bonsai tree?"

Katie sighed loudly. "Yes! The tree that you dyed pink is called a bonsai!"

"I didn't dye any trees!" Travis protested. "I don't have any pink dye!"

"Sure," Katie said. "Then why are your fingertips pink?"

"I was eating raspberries!" Travis protested. "See!" He held up a handful.

"Did you get those from my patch?" Katie gasped.

"No!" Travis protested. "I got them from the woods!"

"Let me see those!" Katie said. He handed them to her reluctantly. "Travis, these are poisonous!"

"Are not!" Travis protested. Then he swayed in the spot and passed out. Katie caught him before he hit the ground.

"Travis!" She tried to lift him, but she couldn't. "Someone, help!" She started to cry. "I'm sorry Travis! I- I didn't mean what I said to you."

Travis smiled to himself. He opened his eyes. "Oh my gods." Katie said. "We need to get you to the Big House."

"Katie Cat?" Travis whispered.

She leaned in so she could hear him. "Yes?"

Travis kissed her right on the lips, jumped up, and ran.

"Travis Stoll!" Katie yelled, running after him.

Travis kept running until he reached his cabin, where he hid the pink dye under Conner's bed and locked the door.

He was so excited that he forgot the raspberries were poisonous, ate one, and promptly threw up.

The Thief's Love: Travis and Katie One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now