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Once upon a time here lived one Cuckoo (koyal). He was very intelligent as compared to all other cuckoos.
He used to live in a very big palace like nest. The reason behind the richness and palace like home of this cuckoo was his work.
This cuckoo used to help all other cuckoos to put their eggs in crows nest. As cuckoos are known for quietly laying their eggs in crows nest or putting their eggs in crows nest in the absence of crow, where crow has already layed his eggs, throwing crow eggs down.

And in return of help smart cuckoo used to make other cuckoo to build his nest more bigger by adding little space to it.
Like this by helping many cuckoo for putting their eggs in crows nest his nest was getting bigger and bigger day by day and was just like a palace nest for birds.

On the other side crows were very hurted by this cheating done by cuckoos. Crows used to get very sad when they used to see their eggs fallen on the ground and some time they used to learn it when the baby birds used to grow little bigger that it is cuckoos baby and not theirs.

Every day such incidents used to take place somewhere, due to this crows population was going down. so crows were very angry about it and sad too.

One day all the crows gathered for a meeting to take some decision to end this big problem, which cuckoos had created for them.

After long discussion crows decided to first search that cuckoo who is doing all this.

Crows used to ask every birds, animals, flies, insects etc of the jungle that "has anybody seen a cuckoo putting their eggs in our nest and throwing our eggs on the ground?" but nobody said that they had seen any such cuckoo going this rubbish activity.

Crows were very frustrated that they were unable to find who is doing all this as no one knew or has seen any cuckoo doing it. So crows decided to take ants help to find out who is doing all this.

Ants were said to live in every crows nest which had eggs, so that ants can keep an eye on who is coming to the nest and as the ants are small in size cuckoo will not notice it. After ants took their place in all crows nest which had eggs crows flyied away for few hours.

So seeing that crows are not present in their nest that intelligent cuckoo started his routine work. He started bringing other cuckoos eggs, who wanted his help in putting their(cuckoos) eggs in crows nest.
That cuckoo went to many crows nest in which crows had layed their eggs.
That cuckoo used to as soon as see the crows eggs in the nest he used to throw it out of the nest and put in cuckoos eggs n fly away.

After some time crows returned to their nests and found the same thing repeated again, many crows eggs were thrown out.
Crows asked every ants of the every nests. Ants said " yes, we saw who is doing all this". Crows asked in anger.." who is he?".
All ants replied " he was a big cuckoo".

After crows came to know that culprit cuckoo they got very angry and all crows gathered and decided to attack that cuckoo and kill him.

At the same time there was one frog who was listening all the talks of crows and came to know that crows are going to kill the cuckoo for what ever he has done to the crow community.
Frog said, "excuse me, I am sorry to disturb you all but I would like to say you that killing is not the only option to teach this cuckoo a leasson"

Crows replied in anger, "then what is the solution ?"

Frog said , "come with me I will take you to my one of the oldest ancestor who has a supernatural power and will give you a best solution for your problem"

Crows agreed to go with frog and so frog took the crows to his great old ancestor frog.

After reaching to his ancestor frog, frog said, "my great grand father,good afternoon!.
Here are my few friends who now a days are in great problem created by one bad cuckoo"

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