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Of course I need a table of contents as if you couldn't read the obvious chapter titles!
So I'm going to start with saying that there are ELEVEN magic schools that are well established. In most countries wizards are homeschooled or they have smaller magic schools.
The 11 schools in the order I'm going to write about them!
1) Ilvermorny - Great Lakes area in the US/Canada
2) Castelobruxo - The Amazon Rainforest in Brazil
3) Uagadou - The mountains of Uganda in Africa
4) Mahoutokoro - Minami Iwo Jima, Japan, Pacific Ocean
5) Koldovstoretz - somewhere in European Russia
6) Durmstrang - Sweden or Norway(A.N. I personally believe it's Norway) in Northern Europe
7) Beauxbatons - Somewhere in the Pyrenees in France (A.N. I think it might possibly be in the small mountain nation of Andorra) in Europe
8) Hogwarts - Scotland, the U.K. In Europe

But Belle, you only listed 8! You said there were 11!
Ah yes I did. ;) The other 3 are yet to be revealed even after the reveal of Ilvermorny! But these aren't the only major magic schools, oh no there are specialized schools as well!
1) Acadamy of Broom Flying - Who knows? I'm guessing somewhere in Europe or Japan
2) Charm school - Great Britain
3) Euro-Glyph School of Extraordinary Languages - London, Leeds, Montreal, Nairobi, Santiago, Caracas, and Havana (A.N. Yes this is a school with locations all over the world if you didn't know)
4) Merge School of Underwater Magic - Somewhere near water of maybe under water!
5) Wizarding Acadamy of the Dramatic Arts - Great Britan

A.N. Thanks guys for wanting to learn more about this subject! Just so you know I believe that there is a school in India one in Australia and one in China! I will be adding on to chapters/editing as I gain theories and as more information is released!

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