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Now for this Amazonian school! Castelobruxo serves all of South America from its hidden location deep within the Brazilian rainforest. This means that it's located in a country which has the official language of Portuguese that serves many countries with the official language of Spanish. But it also has the added factor of natives who live in the ginormous forest. This would lead to students needed to learn a common language. If they're already spending time learning a common language why not attempt at learning Ancient Runes as well?
I got a bit off course there, sorry. The school has been confirmed to be a fabulous castle. The building is described as having an imposing square edifice of gold on rock, often compared to a temple. Wouldn't this draw the attention of muggle explorers? Yes! That is why the school looks like a ruins to non magical eyes. Sound similar? That's because it is. It's just like Hogwarts! Wouldn't this mean that the British/Spanish had some sort of influence on the school since its creation. (I said since because there are also Caipora guarding the school which are still used today, read about them here:
Another topic: Country rivalries. Of course there are going to be country rivalries within this school. It'll make quidditch all the more interesting. I don't know if there is a house system but if there is there are at least 5 houses (4 houses seems just too similar to Hogwarts and Ilvermorny) and being separated by country would demote unity within the school. There are also many foreign exchange students.

Now for the schools shining feature, Herbology and Magizoology. Neville would've loved this school. (maybe he spends a few years teaching there-who knows) This aspect has lead to a big exchange program available to European students to study the flora and fauna of South America. One student you all may know that tried to take part in this program was Bill Weasley, although his family did not have sufficient funds to send him.

I do not have as many headcanons about this school as some other schools (Ilvermorny and Mahoutokoro) but thank you for reading. This is a passage taken from the Harry Potter Wikia. I do not own this:
"It's interesting to note that, while Castelobruxo's entry at Pottermore seems to imply that the institution is just as ancient as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Portuguese colonisation of Brazil only started in the 16th century. This suggests that the school was founded by indigenous peoples some five hundred years before colonisation, when the country was a vast region of thousands of tribes of different ethnicities, also possibly linking the school to shamanistic magic and rituals. The Portuguese name might, therefore, be a byproduct of the Marquis de Pombal's 1758 ban on the Brazilian indigenous languages."

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