13. She kissed you I kissed her

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(Ally said)

Stevie toured me around New Orleans for the past days. The best part of each day was coming home to cuddle with her to sleep. Since our first kiss on our first night here, I could feel the walls of awkwardness and shyness between us are disappearing. We have not had the talk yet but I do not see the need to rush.

It was our first night out and Stevie brought me to one of pubs along the
French Quarter. We were meeting some of her friends.

A couple approached us as we got in. Stevie gave them and hug and made the necessary introductions.

"Ace, Gina, this is Ally," Stevie said. "Ally, this is Ace and this is Gina."

"Hi, I am very pleased to meet you," I said, extending my hand to them.

"You are too formal," Ace answered, pulling me into a hug. "It is nice to finally meet you."

"We heard so much about you," Gina said. "And you better take care of our friend or else... You probably would not get out of New Orleans walking."

"Gina!" Ace and Stevie said in chorus.

"The kid looks like a good person," Gina said. "She does not seem scared."

I returned a smile and looked at Stevie. "I will take care of you. You have my word."

There was never a dull moment as Ace and Gina shared their stories. The couple used to live in LA where they met Stevie.

We had a good laugh as we enjoyed New Orleans food and drink that were scrumptious.

Their happy faces turned shocked as if they saw a ghost.

"Why is she here?" Gina asked.

"Oooopps... I checked in on Facebook. That is probably how they found out. I'm sorry!" Ace admitted.

I did not immediately realize who they were talking about.

"Hey stranger," a girl in dreads said. She was accompanied by a couple.

"Oh hi Tarah!" Stevie greeted. She gave the girl in dreads a hug. "Hey Shane and Molly."

"I heard from Granny you are back in town. You know she's our number one shipper," Tarah said, smiling.

'Not anymore. Granny told me earlier she is rooting for me,' I whispered to myself.

"Yeah. I have been busy touring a friend from LA. Tarah, Shane, Molly, this is Ally," Stevie replied.

I offered to shake hands. Tarah held mine with force and I returned the favor--squeezing tighter.

"Nice to meet you all," I said.

"Can we talk... In private?" Tarah requested.

"Oh okay," Stevie and answered. "Excuse me for a sec."

Stevie left with Tarah, Shane and Molly. They disappeared in the crowd.

"Who are they?" I asked Ace and Gina.

"All are Stevie's exes," Ace said. "Shane and Molly are now together."

"You forgot one important detail," Gina butted in. "Tarah and Stevie used to be engaged. They maintained their LDR until Stevie found Tarah on bed with another woman."

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