14. I love you too

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(Stevie said)

I woke up to a note and a rose by my bedside. Ally was not on the couch--and her stuff was not in the room too.

"Dear Stevie,

I am really sorry for what happened last night. The worst part is I could only remember half if it. So if I did more terrible things, it was not alcohol --I am taking full responsibility of my hasty and obviously out-of-jealousy actions.

I badly wanted to discuss this with you but I had to come home earlier because of an emergency at work. I hope we can talk when you get back.

With love,

PS Thank you for taking care of me. I really appreciate it."

I did not bother calling Ally. When it comes to work and she says there is an emergency, there is really an emergency.

I spent my day with Granny. I was waiting for her to ask about Ally but she did not.


Before going to the airport, I dropped by Tarah's house to return the ring. It was her mom who answered the door.

"Hi Sylvia," I said, giving her a hug.

"Hi Stevie!" Sylvia answered. "This is such a lovely surprise."

"Yes, it is. Is Tarah here?"

"Oh dear, today's her flight to LA. Maybe you can ring her and you can just meet there."

"Okay. I will do that. I wish I could stay but I need to do catch my flight too."

"Maybe you two are in the same flight."

"That is highly likely."

"Uhmmm Stevie... You know why Tarah is moving to LA. If there is no chance of you two getting back together, will you be her friend?"

"Only if she would want that."

We hugged again and I found myself rushing to the airport.


I boarded and settled on my seat and dozed off the instant I plugged in my earphones.

I woke up in someone's arms. I caught myself wishing it was Ally just like when she kept me warm on our flight to New Orleans--but it was not.

"Hey beautiful," a voice that was not Ally's said. When I recognized it was Tarah's, I instantly sat upright. "I was so surprised when I saw you here. Don't you think it is a sign?"

"A sign that there are not as much flights to LA from New Orleans. Ha-ha. By the way... Thanks for the cuddle," I blurted out and immediately realized it was an awkward comment. "I mean for making me comfortable."

"Ha-ha. No biggie. I can be whatever you need Did you really think we were cuddling?"

"You wish! Anyway... I dropped by your house to give this." I took out the ring from my purse. Tarah's eyes saddened that I cringed. I forgot how beautifully expressive her eyes are. "We can be friends. That is all I could offer."

"Keep it and think about it more. Today is just Day One." She forced a smile as we landed in LA.

(Ally said)

I planned to surprise Stevie at the airport. I brought flowers and a sign saying 'I already miss you."

I saw her at the arrival area and my heart jumped with joy. I waved my hand crazily at her but unfortunately she did not see me.

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