16. Lady and the Tramp

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(Ally said)

"I am the gatekeeper here," Moonshine said, blocking the door of their mini faculty office at the daycare. "What did you bring as tidings?"

"I brought you pizza," I said, offering her the whole box. I was keeping my fingers crossed that Moonshine would take the bait. I needed to see Stevie—I failed to return her calls yesterday.

Moonshine grabbed the box and inspected its contents. "Come in."

"Moonshine!?!" Stevie protested as she saw me walked in the room.

"Mister Maslow said I have to fulfil my physiological need first before I mind my social need for friendship. Pizza trumps Stevie," Moonshine answered in defense as the door behind us shut.

"Baby, I come in peace," I butted in. "I brought you some takeaway from Sonic."

"Thank you but I am not yet hungry," Stevie said but her stomach growled otherwise. I almost cried from preventing myself from laughing while Moonshine let out a cackle.

"Please take it Stevie, your angry and hungry stomach might eat you from the inside," Moonshine warned, laughing. "I better find Amanda and share this with her. But if you need us to referee, just call us."

"Thanks Moonshine," Stevie and I said in chorus.

"Alright I will bring this with me in the bowling alley," Stevie conceded and took the bag. "My ride will arrive shortly. Thanks again, Ally."

I suddenly remembered Stevie was scheduled to meet her friends from New Orleans--and that meant Tarah would be present.

"Can we at least talk about what happened last weekend while you are waiting?" I asked.

"What happened was we had a misunderstanding and you did not return any of my messages. I was worried," Stevie said.

"I am sorry. I was busy yesterday trying to tell my Mom but I still failed."

"I am not pressuring you, Ally. Take your time but no more lies okay? And if you need me to come with you, I will be there."

Stevie held my hand. I was about to kiss her when the door swung open—it was Tarah with a bouquet of flowers. Of course, she would be Stevie's ride.

"Oh hi, boss," Tarah said. "I am surprised you left work early."

"Hi Tarah," I said. "I am actually about to return to the office."

I gave Stevie a kiss on the cheek and left.


(Stevie said)

It was half past eleven in the evening when I received a call from Ally. "Ally, why are you calling at this hour? Are you okay?" I asked. It could be an emergency

"I already told Mom everything. She said she already knew Mel was gay. She wants to talk to you," Ally said in a rush.

"Hello Stevie?" I heard Helen's voice.

"Hi Helen," I said.

"I am apologizing for calling you at this hour. I actually have other things to apologize for. I am apologizing if my daughter thought she had to hide her sister's secrets and lie about you. And if you ever think we would blame you for Mel's death—that would be ridiculous. David and I are glad to welcome you in the family in one way or another."

"Oh Helen... You do not have to apologize for those things. I am glad and grateful because I still had the chance to meet you. Mel had told me so much about you. "

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