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I woke up to someone calling my name. Of course it was Adam.
"Guess the time" he said with a grin.
I looked to where my night table was and i knew it was late.
"O dear baby Jesus" I yelled getting up with a jump.
It was the first day of shooting and I was gonna be incredibly late.
I got the nicest dress I could find from my closet and put it on as quickly as possible. Adam was covering his eyes but he was laughing
"I told you to set the alarm" he said
I rolled my eyes and ran to the bathroom to put make up on
"O fuck you Adam" I said hearing him chuckle from my room
"How do I look?" I asked him
He raised his two thumbs and flashed me a crooked grin
I laughed and ran to the door to get my bag and keys
"Want me to take you?"
"Nope, love you!" I yelled running out of our flat, towards my white Mini Cooper.
Adam and I started being friends when we were kids. He's always been on my side. No matter what.
At first, people thought it was adorable,  but kids started getting annoyed because we were always together; we didn't have that many friends apart from each other.
When I was 17 we moved from our little town in Boston to Los Angeles, and after working as waiters we finally heard back from our different producers; we were finally actors.
Of course nothing comes without sacrifice.
We were forced to live for 9 months in a single room apartment and most of the time we didn't have enough money to pay for bills or food. We had each other though and only that mattered.
We did have kind of a fling,
one night in December. We were both kind of drunk, but we didn't end up doing anything we would regret in the future.
We did share a kiss or two, but were really don't regret those.
We ended up moving back to Boston when we had enough money and we bought a big flat in the city center.

I arrived at the set of the big new upcoming movie:"The Judge"
I was supposed to be the daughter of the female protagonist.
It was just a minor role but they were paying a lot.
I still had to meet all the cast and I arrived 20 minutes late on my very first day.
"Hey Leighton!" I heard David Dobkin , the producer, say.
Next to him was a gorgeous woman, her blonde hair tied up in a messy but nice looking bun.
"Hey David! I'm so sorry I'm late" I said but he shrugged
"It's okay. Have you met Vera Farmiga yet?" He said, I shook my head
"No, we still haven't met, I believe" said the woman smiling
"Hello dear, I'm supposed to be your mother" she spoke again, I shook her hand smiling back
"I'm Leighton, nice to meet you!"

Time passed and David had already introduced me to half the cast.
It was lunch break and I was sitting in the back eating an apple when this guy came walking in the room.
He had brown hair and had an adorable stubble be.
Moreover what surprised me the most were his soft caramel eyes.
They were kind and beautiful, giving me the feeling of warmness.
I sat there staring at him until his beautiful eyes locked with mine and I couldn't help but look down.
He looked at me
I was blushing like a 13 year old, my stomach turning and flipping.

I heard noises but I didn't dare to look up.
"This Boston weather is killing me"
As I looked up I saw him sitting right in front of me.
It was raining pretty hard and his hair was dripping wet.
I had to admit he was handsome but in a stomach twisting, breath catching, kind of way.
I knew him, I knew his face.
But what was his name?
"Yeah, you'll get used to it after a while" I whispered, he nodded and flashed me a warm smile that dropped quickly.
"Are you from here?" He said, I nodded. We sat there in silence, I was never good with small talk or with new people.
"What's your name?" He said
"Leighton Marissa Meester" I said
He got up running his fingers through his hair and before he walked away he looked at me and smirked
"Nice to meet you, Marissa" he said
I watched him walk away until Vera came up to me and sat on a chair
"I see you've met Robert" she said
Robert Downey Jr.
That's who he was.
"Be careful with him. He's a mouthful" she laughed and walked away, leaving me in a flushed face and in confusion .

The judge {Robert Downey Jr} UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now