The kidnapper

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I couldn't even call him my fiancé anymore I took my ring off and wanted to throw it but it was to pretty. So I kept it in my jewelry box and put the box in my closet. He was still on the phone being silent I said fuck it and started talking.

Nene: thanks to your friend he gave me a good idea to look your ass up on google something you prolly didn't really know about

Michael: just because I didn't pay for Internet on my phone doesn't mean I'm dumb but anyways I didn't think my business was on there

Nene: well it is and I'm glad because I would've been stupid to marry you

Michael: baby I won't do that to you I was drunk

Nene: no the fuck you weren't one time I got really drunk but did I try to take somebody or do something stupid? No

Michael: baby please don't leave me

Nene: I don't know what to do I love you but I don't want to be with somebody who did that... What if I decide not to marry you you might get crazy and try to hold my hostage

Michael: no I won't baby I would be hurt but I'm not that guy anymore please trust me... Want me to come see you?

Nene: please don't I need some space and I think I won't to call of the marriage

Michael: baby please I'm sorry I promise I won't hurt you your my everything your so different I won't a future with you

I hung up because I can't hear that my heads spinning. I don't know what to do because I'm so in love with him. It's crazy how I spent all his time with him I mean of course he wouldn't tell me he kidnapped somebody. I just wish I asked have he ever been to jail or something like that. I got up cause i was tired of staying in bed eating ice cream. I decided to go to the mall with my bro so we went and I couldn't believe my eyes. I seen my ex fiancé he was buying ice cream and I tried to hide but he seen me. My brother mean mugged him but he still walked over by me. I rolled my eyes and signaled my brother to keep walking. I couldn't even make a step before Michael grabbed my hand.

Jordan: don't fucking touch my sister
Michael: please just let me talk to her
Jordan: fine make it fast and she staying right here by me
Michael: ok fine
Nene: what do you want Michael
Michael: baby can I at least get a hug
Nene: I'm not your baby

Michael comes close and hugs me I start crying and try to move but he leans and kisses me. I can't resist but to kiss him back I love him so much.

Nene: I need to go I don't want to be with you
Michael: ok well call me if you think we can finally talk and if you want you can bring you pet bull ( looking over at my brother)
Jordan: keep playing with me and I'm going to beat your ass and I don't want you seeing my little sister
Michael: if she want to see me then she can not your choice
Jordan: it really is cause for one in my eyes your to old for her
Michael: age don't matter and it's not like I'm that much older than her and I love her and I'll fight to be with her
Nene: well bye... Jordan lets go

Jordan and I finished our shopping and then we went to the movies. It was nice of my brother to do that especially after seeing my ex which really made me mad. He was mean to me sometimes but he sure knows how to make me back happy. Me and my brother are close at times we always have our moments. We finally went home and I cooked his favorite food velveta shells with pork chops. I did it to say thank you because it was really nice especially to say my brother acts cheap with his money. He thought the meal was delicious and then he said he wanted to sit down and talk to me.

Jordan: Nene please don't be stupid and go back and talk to himI know he asked to marry you and spent time with you but he's no good

Nene: I honestly don't know what to do I love him but I don't know about seeing him I might go tomorrow and talk to him you can come if you want I would like you to

Jordan: ok I'll just stay in the car this time but make it clear that I'm here so he won't try anything

Nene: ok thank you I just want to hear what he has to say

Jordan: where do you want to meet him?

Nene: (smiles) Starbucks and I'll buy you a Carmel frappe to make it up

Jordan: that's sounds like a decent deal

This chapter was short I'm sorry but it was really good! It was crazy how Michael came to her city I would've been scared if I was her. She still likes him I see and trusts him I wonder what will happen when they meet up. Like and comment please and comment what you thought about the chapter. The next chapter will prolly be the last one I write today maybe depends on how I feel

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