The Village

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"Emily Winderbend?" Asked the figure. She was weary about responding, but having nothing to lose she said "Yes."
"I'm Jeremy. Why have you left the mansion? What task has been bestowed upon you?" Emily was now confused. How did 'Jeremy' know her name and where she was coming from? She decided to ask.
"How do you know my name?"
Jeremy laughed and said "I'm one of The Dark Lord's henchmen. He told me that if I didn't come and work for him he would kill my wife and new born. That was six years ago. I just came back from my monthly visit which them on my way for picking up a replacement child for you. Apparently he didn't think that you can survive what he has set out for you to do." He hesitated and looked at his watch then looked back at Emily and smiled, "I still have some time, if you want I can drive you up to the nearest town!"
Emily considered everything.
I will see the person who will replace me and I will have to talk to him or her. But in the upside I wouldn't have to walk anymore.
"That's so kind. Thank you!" She opened the door and sat down on the padded leather seats. Across from her sat a redhead boy who looked scared out of his mind, just like she had when she had been in his situation.
"Hi! I'm Emily!" She said to the timid boy. He glanced at her and the glanced at a photograph in his hands. Tears came to his eyes, he wiped them away with a single finger and stared out the window with his picture still firm in his grip. She decided not to ask and stare out the window as well. She watched as the brown desert landscape turned into lush free forests and thick, green grass. Then she saw the town. The town she had been taken away from almost two years ago. The bakery on the corner that made the best bread and the orphanage that was so kind to her. Jeremy drove her to a library where they said their goodbyes. She was great-full for the drive but had to get to work. It's sickening that her work was to kill another human. She walked up the marble stepsorder and through the massive wooden doors.
       "Hi, I was wandering if you could lead me to the spell books please?" Emily asked the witch behind the desk. She looked at Emily for a while then quietly got up and led her to the dustiest part of the building.
       "The books are categorized in alphabetical order. We would like to remind you that it is illegal for kids under 12 to use dark magic and kids under 10 to use magic at all. Enjoy." Then with a sigh the old, tied witch retreated to her position behind the desk.
      Among the shelves Emily found many interesting books.
     "Come to the Light Side and Candlelight spells. " Emily said while running her fingers along the spines of the books. Dust plumed from the books and caused her to cough. She grabbed may useful book off the shelves and walked over to an old desk in the corner. Taking paper off the desk and filling the quill pot with ink, Emily started to copy spells that might be useful.
         Pyromorhous- makes a body out of fire and allows the caster to badly burn their opponent. 
          "Sounds like a good spell, I might have to use it!" She was trying to cheer herself up. She didn't see a use for these spells at all. She wanted to help but also wanted to be free and to find her brothers. So Emily kept searching.
           After five extensive hours of searching, the exhausted Emily finally gave up. And just in time to! The library was closing soon and she still had to put the books away. Closing the pages ever so gently she stacked them up in her hands and one by one placed them on the shelves. When walking out into the crisp night air she had the strangest feeling she was being watched. She saw something or rather someone in the woods just opposite of the library. Emily was now interested  and sought so see the 'ting' hiding in the shadows. Carefully and quietly she crossed the road and not to startle the creature. When she was close enough she noticed that it wasn't a creature at all but a boy. A boy that looked about her age, fifteen, with brown hair like hers'. But his most amazing feature was his eyes that gleamed in the moonlight. The sparked like stars and were the color of the trees surrounding them.
What a strange boy, just standing here all alone late at night. Why is he here? She wondered as she approached him more cautiously. He spoke:
           "I wondered if I might see you here!" And with a wave of his hand he lit the sky with light. "My name is Jack Kingsley. Pleasure to meet you at last Miss.Emily." This was twice in one day that a mysterious man or boy rather, had known her but she had not a clue who he was. This time however she didn't strike up conversation with him although she had many thoughts and questions swirling through her mind.
         "I've been watching you through the windows," and with this creepy comment she threw a spell at him,
        "Aprimentious Toterium!" He cried in pain as his hand vanished. In place of it was a glass one. Emily had turned his hand to glass "Wow that actually worked!" She was so proud! She almost didn't notice Jack's look of bewilderment.
          "Ho-how do you know that spell? That's like the hardest spells to master!" His eyes were huge and mouth was wide open.
            "I just learned it today! I see it works like a charm! But if you wish to have a functional hand back I guess you could if you only apologize for creepily stalking me all day!"
             Of corse he agreed and apologize immediately and his hand was back in no time. They the walked down the path that ran along the edge of the forest until Jack came to a stop.
           "I belong to a camp that wishes to rid The Dark Lord of his power. We are located in the enchanted parts of the woods. I must go back but if you care to join me..."
           "I don't think I should but I hope to see you in town again. I am only here for a few days for I must start my quest for freedom soon or I won't make it back by winter." Emily replied. She thought that she would stay at the Orphanage, they would gladly accept her. He did find him handsome and charming however.
          "I must warn you about your quest though. I know who you are looking for, and where you would find him. This boy is dangerous and not one to be messed with. He may let you play out your games but when the time comes, he will do what is best for his people and himself. Good night!" And with a swift bow he was gone. With a look of confusion on her face, Emily herded back to her old home where she received a warm homecoming and a nice meal before sleeping on the most comfortable bed that she had lain on for over two years. She drifted off to sleep with the words of handsome Jack still playing in her mind.
             'He may let you play out your games but when the time comes, he will do what is best for his people and himself'

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