Game Plan

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          Emily was down stairs eating breakfast when the shouts from up stairs rang through the house.
           "-she'll die! -NO!" And then a door slammed and shook the whole house. A fuming Jack came clomping down the stairs with fire in his hands. He didn't even stops to say hi to Emily he just stormed out the door. Wanting to help him Emily stuffed the rest of the pancakes into her mouth and flew after him. Hovering over the ground she caught up to him. 
              "You ok?" No answer from Jack. "Jack! What's going on?" Still no answer. Emily was now mad. "Fine, Locomoendius!" This stopped Jack in his tracks, unable to move he slowly dimmed his fire as Emily walked out in front of him so that he could see her.
              "Tell me what's wrong!" She looked into his eyes and he looked into hers. Looking like he wasn't going to answer she asked again, "please tell me why your mad. You were there last night when I needed you and now I'm here for you."
              "They are here to kill you and torture me." He looked like he was about to cry but was trying to be strong.
              "Who is here to kill us?"    
               "The pain givers, my grandfather's followers! We need to stop them!"
                "We can't do this on our own Jack! We need to have a battle plan and we need to rally everyone in the town. An army is better than a mouse. Even if that mouse is a flame throwing demon when he's angry!" The both laughter at this. She released him from the charm the was keeping him in one spot. They walked back hand in hand up. When they got there they just sat on the cold marble steps and stared to plan.
             "Did you see who it was led by?" Asked Emily.
             "It was led by a girl with blonde hair and eyes that blended into the greenery behind her."
              "That could be anybody!" They laughed, "Ok, what about the size of the group?"
               "About a hundred people. How will we take them out? They do have powerful magic!"
                "They have dark magic and light magic right?"
                "Yeah, but they mostly use dark. So that's not to my advantage because dark magic on dark magic isn't good!"
               "But you have me now! Plus I can heal people and things. It's one of my favorite things to do! Just this morning I-" she was interrupted by the big front doors being opened. Ada strode out with onto the steps with a sigh.
"Your right Jack, we do need a plan. Both of you walk with me." They walked again, this time in the other direction. Emily on her right and Jack on her left. "So, we have one strong couple and-"
"Couple?" Asked Jack and Emily at the same time
"Is Jenna back together with Hunt?" Jack asked quizzically.
              "No, she is still heart broken from seeing him cheat on her. I meant the couple is you two." She pointed at Jack and Emily.  The two started to argue, even though they liked each other they didn't want to be a 'couple' yet!
             "Us-no!- thats just- were just- yeah- friends- we are not- like- together." This walk just turned awkward but Ada just smiled. She remembered when she had a soul mate, but after he died she gained his powers and never told anyone. That's why Jack was purely dark magic because she was dark magic. But Jenna didn't have a soul mate because her father wasn't present at her birth.
              "So here is what I was thinking that we should do. Your two specialities in the field of light and dark magic will create a force stronger than half of the pain givers magic, if you just combine your forces. We will train you two and the rest of us will whittle out the weak links. Today I need both of you to scout out the edges of our perimeter."
This thought frightened Emily. She would come so close to the enemy. She would see in them the battle she would fight and the people she would slay. But she did it anyway. Jack and Emily trudged through the fresh dirt and towards the edge of the forest that surrounded the camp along with the force field. They walked in the shade because the afternoon sun had made it hot.
"You seem frightened!" Said Jack casually.
"I just don't know how I'm going to kill these people! They are still people after all!" She turned to look at him. They stopped.
"You won't have to do it alone. I know they are still people, but think of it this way, they are trying to kill us also so we must not be people to them! To me we are on the defense from our attackers! Em, it's going to be ok! I swear I will be by your side the entire time and never let you out of my sight!"
"That makes me feel a bit better. I'm just glad that none of my friends are there! The friends that I made at The Dark Lord's mansion are far to weak and timid like I was to perform any dark magic!" She sighed in relief as she realized this.
"All of my friends will be fighting with me, for I only have two!"
"Who are your two friends?"
"My sister and you, I'm not a very popular person around here. Since I can only do dark magic and all!" He laughed a laugh of loneliness. They started to walk again, looking occasionally I to the dark forest.
"Ok let's go over some procedures if we get separated from each other." Said Emily, not wanting to loose the closest person to family she had.
"That's an easy one, one of us presses our mark and the other's will glow. If you or I touch that glowing mark then we will be summoned to each other. Let's test it." He did his little vanishing thing. Emily pressed her mark, his glowed a bright red and he pressed it. Jack was immediately summoned to her and when he landed he threw his arms around her. When he released Emily gently pressed her lips against his for a brief moment. They looked into each others eyes and knew both couldn't live without the other.
"Oh that's so beautiful! Sadly all must things must come to an end!" They both turned to see a girl slowly clapping. Emily knew this girl, she had trusted her. Jack knew this girl as the leader of the pain givers.
                  Katherine Ever.

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