Jack's Plan

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       It was the morning sun shining through the cuttings that awoke Emily that morning. It had been two days since Jack and her had last spoken and she longed to see him again. Every day she would walk to the library to try and gain knowledge on spells and her victim. Apparently he goes by the name of Pegasus. He is also rumored to be the grandson of the The Dark Lord. As we all know The Dark Lord had been nice and kind at one point until his mother had killed his youngest daughter. He then killed the rest of his family including his son but his daughter-in law had taken her two year old son and his sister to a far away place where magic wasn't accepted. They hadn't been screen since. Emily guessed that The Dark Lord wanted to finish old business and that's why he wanted Emily to bring him to her or kill him. But that was the little information that she had obtained in ten hours on intense studying.
         She jumped out of bed and opened the currents and greeted the day with a smile despite the feeling of emptiness inside of her. The birds were chirping, the sky was a clear blue, there was a light breeze, what wasn't there to be happy about. She pulls on jeans and a green t-shirt and slouched her backpack over her left shoulder and bounced downstairs to get breakfast. The smell of waffles and egged wafted into her nose as she entered the room. This orphanage always had the best food.
         "How did you sleep last night dear?" Asked the cook while pouring more orange juice into little Susie's cup. Her little fingers could vault grasp the sides. Emily remembered when she was like that and when her brothers were like that.
           On that note she asked the cook "My younger brothers. Were they adopted? Their names were Jack and Dylan." She hadn't asked that lingering question in yet but decided that now would be the perfect time to get an answer.
             "Last month. A young couple adopted them both. They were a non-magic family however. I guess they are in for quite a surprise soon!" At this the cook laughed and went bak to making pancakes.  Emily sat down at the end of the table, grabbed two pancakes, some raspberries and pored herself a glass of apple juice. She hastily ate and went on her normal rout to the library. But today she was stopped by a progression of dark cars.
What's this? She wondered as men in dark suits got out of the car and headed straight for the orphanage.
Who are they? Why are they here? Minuets later her heard the muffled cry of a little girl and the yelling of the cook. Then the men came out with little Susie in their arms crying for her toy that she had dropped. Emily ran to pick it up and the evaporated it onto her lap. The crying stopped and the men in black got into the cars and sped away. Even though she was curious to what had just happened she had to go back to her research. Walking solemnly along the path she spotted another strange sight.
Jack. Sitting on the library steps deep in thought.
          Seeing Emily he jumped up and jogged over to the stunned Emily. He was literally glowing in the sun. His hair gelled up into a front spike, a progressive wall of hair.
"Hi!" He said "I thought I would catch you here!"
Had he been waiting for me? Cuz' if he has that would be creepy!
           "How long have you been here?" Emily asked.
            "About an hour, or two. Don't work I wasn't stalking you. I just needed to talk to you. Can we walk?"
"I don't have anything to loose I guess!" This was a lie, she needed to gain more information but saw the worried look in his eyes and decided to go. They walked along the edge of the forest edge just a like they had done when they had first met. It was cold in the shade but a nice change from the hot sun that was shining that afternoon.
            "So, what is making you so worried that you needed my help?" Asked Emily, breaking the awkward  silence.
He shuffled his feat a little before stoping and looking into Emily's Blue eyes. "Well I wanted to ask you-well tell you- that- um- you are here to capture-me."
             Emily froze. Jack, was the grandson of her master. She didn't want to kill him and/or capture him just to meet his demise at the hands of his grandfather! This was not okay with her. Emily's world came crashing down upon her.
             "I know this might come as a shock but," his eyes started to form tears, but before Emily noticed he wiped them away. He was sad that Emily had to kill him. "I just- I just, wanted to make things slot easier for you. I don't want to have to fight you but I will if I have to."
          Emily, though still shocked was able speak, "I don't want to kill you, I can fight for my freedom can't I? We can help defeat your grandfather together." At this Jack's face brightened.
             Giggling he sad "Matt, His name is Matt." They laughed for about a minuet then Jack turned all serious again. "Would you like to come back to my camp? My sister wants to meet you!"
This is all moving to fast! Thought Emily, He told his sister about me!  I'm not sure about this, it could be a trap. But he- I want to go!
         She decided to go. "Ok then, I'll come with you!" With that he put his arm on her shoulder and teleported to his camp where unknown to her, people were waiting. Jack although sweet had a secret that he was keeping this a secret from everyone he loved, including Emily.

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