Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I realized that Harry had gotten shot. He was still holding his chest. Some police came running up to our car. "The amubulance is on it's way." The man said. I noticed Leo was in a police car, handcuffed. I looked to Harry. You could tell he was in pain. "It will be ok." I whispered to him. I heard the ambulance pull up behind us. They got Harry out of the car and put him in the vehicle. They asked me if I would like to ride with them to the hospital and I did. "Are you two together." One of the nurses asked. I shook my head. I was so worried about Harry. He looked terrible. If it wasn't for me he wouldn't be shot. As we arrived at the hospital they took Harry in and placed him in a surgery room. I followed them. "Ma'am please wait in here." She demanded pointing to the waiting room. Would Harry be ok? Would he live? I sure hope so. Thoughts were all jumbled up inside my head. I didn't know what to think. I nurse came into the waiting room and asked for me. "Are you Megan?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Well, the bullet didn't hit Harry's heart, thankfully. Before we can do anything we have to take the bullet out. We need to make sure there are no internal bleeding." She said. I was hoping Harry would be ok. The nurse then walked away. 

-An Hour Later-

I had been waiting in the hospital waiting room for more than hour. What was taking do long? The same nurse came in again. "Were done with surgery. There was no internal bleeding and the bullet is out.. Do you wish to see him?" She asked. I nodded my head and followed her into the surgery room. Harry's eyes were closed. "He's asleep, so dont wake him up." She said. I walked over and kneeled next to him. He looked so beautiful. All of this was because of me. I finally realized I was still in the comforter. I took Harry's hand and placed it in mine. His large hand was rough. I heard the heart moniter beep several times and then one long beep. I back away from him. Was he dying right in front of my eyes? Nurses rushed into the room and pushed me aside. They started shocking him to bring him back. I was so confused and scared. "He has internal bleeding." One of nurses shouted. What? They said he didn't. Did they check carefully? All kinds of other doctors rushed to the side of him. I didn't know what was happening because they were blocking my view. I noticed the doctors backing away and scurrying out of the room. I walked up to the side. "He's saved, he had a little internal bleeding but we fixed it." The nurse said. I grabbed Harry's hand again and kissed it. "I'll be back later." I whispered. I walked out of the hospital room. I grabbed a taxi and went back to Harry's flat. Things were broken inside. Memories of what happened earlier today flashed in my head. I walked into Harry's bedroom. I noted the ropes that Leo had tied my arms and feet with laying on the bed and ground. My clothes were spread all over the ground I picked them up and put them on my body. I decided I wanted to go back to the hospital to be with Harry. 

I grabbed another taxi and it took me back to the hospital. I went up to Harry's room and walked through the doorway. Harry's eyes were a little opened watching the football game on the TV. "Harry?" I asked. Harry turned his attention to me and smiled. "Hey." He mouthed. I walked over to him and kneeled beside him. "I'm so sorry Harry." I said. "It's not your fault." He said. You could tell he was tired. "You can go back to my flat tonight. I'll be fine." He continued. "No, I'm staying here." I said walking over to the couch in the room and sitting down. I fell asleep quite fast.

-Harry's P.O.V-

I noticed Megan in the chair asleep. She was so beautiful when she was sleep. Her blonde hair messed up from the day we had had. I started thinking about Anna. Boy, how I missed her. I was still watching football. It made me remember the days when Anna and I watched it together. We would cuddle up on the couch and watch it for hours at a time. 

I noticed Megan move and her eyes sleepily open. "Is everything ok?" She asked. I nodded my head. She walked over to where I was and kneeled down. "I'm really sorry." She said once again. I wish she would just stop with the sorrys. If I didn't want to save her then I wouldn't have, but I did. I acared about her and maybe even loved her. I know it sounds crazy. I just lost my fiance and I'm falling for a new girl just a few weeks later. She then walked back over to the chair and sat down again and closed her eyes. 

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