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I can't believe it. I'm finally back after 2 year's. I wasn't ready to come back but I think it was about time. I missed everyone. I missed Sehun. Mom's grave too. I took the bus to a neighborhood I thought I'd never see again. I got off and started to walk over to the house that used to be my mom's but now it's mine.

I really didn't like the idea of moving in there again but I had to. All my stuff would arrive a little bit later so I just wonder around the house and backyard. After 2 hour's I heard the moving truck outside,I put on a mask[like the ones EXO use] in case the boys come out, I didn't want them to recognize me yet until a few day's or so.

The people from the company started helping me with the couches and tables when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to meet the face that I had missed for two year's.

"Hi,you must be our new neighbor. I'm Sehun."


I'm Kim Lee."

He looked at me for a few minutes and gave me a smile.

"Welcome to the neighborhood."


"So do you need any more help? I can call my other friends to help since we're a lot."

"Umm sure,ok."

He walked over to his house and called the boy's out,but not by they're names but by their group name EXO. Suho was the only one that knew I was coming back today since I needed someone to help me with some papers over here. He came out and hug me. One thing I left out,during the summer Suho and I found out we were cousins.

"Wow,Suho,you know Kim Lee?"

Suho pulled away and look at EXO.

"Well,uh,she's my cousin, so yeah."

"Oh Ok! Well then lets start helping!"

After 3 hours and a half we were done. We sat down on the sofas while Chen and Umin cooked. I was kind of shock since it was usually Kyungsoo the one cooking.

"Since when Chen and Umin cook?"

"Since Kyungsoo almost killed them for almost burning the kitchen."-Lay

I laughed and soon after Chen and Umin called us. We ate in silence half the time until Baekhyunee finished and started making jokes. Chanyeol joined him but then gasped.



Baek grabbed Yeol's wrist and pulled him.

"Who's Marley?"

"Marley is Baeks and Yeol's adopted daughter."

"They adopted?!? And I miss that?!?"

EXO,except Suho,looked at me weirdly. I noticed what I said and looked at Suho.

"W-what she m-means is that,umm,ahh,eh...she's a fan of us so I g-guess she didn't know..."

EXO looked at us weirdly but shrugged it off. Suho and I let out a sigh. I can't believe I managed to eat with the mask on,how does one even? Why are you thinking about that? Are you really stupid,you need to be thinking of Sehun. Not a stupid mask. Oh shut up. It's the truth and you know it. Shut the fuck up already.

"Well we need to get going now,we have practice."

"Ok,uh, see you guy's later."

They left and I let out a loud sigh. Just when I was about to shower their was a knock on my door. I walked downstairs and saw ChanBaek with a girl around the age of 16 or 17. Probably Marley.

"Hyolin could you watch over Marley for us? We forgot we had practice."

"Who's Hyolin?"

"We heard Suho talking to you on the phone a few weeks back about moving over here again."

"Oh...well sure and please don't tell Sehun,not just yet."

"Don't worry, you have our word."

They said goodbye to Marley and she walked in.

"So,your Sehun's oppa girlfriend ~?"

"What? No~"

"But you looooove him~"

"Yes I do."

She started to fangirl and I just laughed until realization hit me.

"Wait...Sehun talked about me?"

"Yup! He told me the story of the two of you. I cried to be honest."


They're was a silence until I decided to break it.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower, you can do whatever you want,there's also food on the table still that Chen and Umin made."


She walked over to the kitchen and I went up stairs.

He talked about me...?

I started to silently fangirl and walked in the shower.

I'm happy he thought about me when I thought about him too.


You guy's will find out about what they talk on the previous chapter in the future chapters. Also guy's let me tell you from experience! It's not easy to eat with one of those mask on. Like one time I was embarrassed of eating in front of my crush so I ate with it on and it was not easy.


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