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Babes: How did you...
sent: 2:52pm

Y/N: I told u I'd take care of it, and I did😎
sent: 2:53pm

Babes: But how? U don't even know my real name?!
sent: 2:55pm

Y/N: Lol, I just had my hacker friends look up any girl with Jane in their name @ OCSA+marked not enough credits. Then basically they passed all of em😎
sent: 2:56pm

Y/N: So u and like 13 other girls with Jane in their name owe me a lot... 😶
sent: 2:57pm

Babes: ...
sent: 2:58pm

Babes: I don't even know what to say. Thank u. Holy shit, u don't even know what you've done. You've helped me out A LOT!
sent: 3:00pm

Y/N: It's no problem babes
sent: 3:00pm

Babes: No problem?! Let me tell you what you've just solved.
1- My parents can get off my ess🚫👫
2- I can go to my concerts this summer🎤🎵🎶 (which the 1st one is in like 3 days) 😱😨
3- My siblings are so getting it for teasing me💪👊
4- My boss+coworkers can start including me in decisions again✔💯
5- I just found out you're more amazing than I previously thought😊👌💜
sent: 3:05pm

Babes: You're a freaking lifesaver Y/N! Thank you...
sent: 3:05pm

Y/N: You're so sweet. 😃😊
sent: 3:07pm

Babes: I'm so sweet?! What have I done 2 make u think I'm sweet? You've literally, probably, just broken a LAW for me!😱💜😨

Y/N: But of course. Anything for you Babes😉💜😊
sent: 3:08pm

Babes: But Y/N... You don't even know me. We've never even met😥
sent: 3:09pm

Y/N: 😶🤔
sent: 3:09pm

Y/N: True, we've never met, but that doesn't mean I don't know u. Unless everything, besides ur name, that you've ever texted me was a lie.
sent: 3:11pm

Y/N: Have you been lying to me?
sent: 3:11pm

Babes: No.
sent: 3:11pm

Y/N: 😊That's what I thought😀
sent: 3:12pm

Y/N: What I did is what I would've done for any of my friends. ☺Especially if they already gave u the fucking diploma.
sent: 3:12pm

Y/N: Taking that shit away after having already received it should be a crime in its self!🔫👮
sent: 3:13pm

Babes: 😂😂😂Haha, it should😂😂😂
sent: 3:13pm

Babes: Y/N I really am, EXTREMELY grateful for what you've done
sent: 3:14pm

Y/N: It's fine babes. 😊 Have fun this summer ok? I doubt we'll talk as much while ur out enjoying those concerts with ur friends.🤘🎤🎶🎵🎧
sent: 3:16pm

Babes: For you? I can always find time😁⌚💖
sent: 3:17pm

Y/N: Lol, that's fine by me.😁 I gtg, but I'll talk to u soon Jane, bye! 😘
sent: 3:18pm

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