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It wasn't even a week ago did I tell her I had fallen for her and she goes and tells me of this new crush. She's probably a fucking cunt any how.

Y/N laid on her bed, sighing in frustration. She sighed, knowing that the whole idea of liking somebody you've never met, or never even saw a picture of, was pretty outrageous.

She's probably some old fugly guy, jerking off in his room anyhow.

She rolled her eyes and wiped away her jealous filled anger tears.

She's got this fucking hold on my heart, and I hate it! .

She closed her eyes and tried to find her happy place. She did.

You know what? I'm glad she found someone she can actually be with. We would've never been a thing anyhow. I'll just have to stop talking to her little by little, so these feelings can go away...

P.O.V Switch

Dinah sighed a happy sigh as she set her phone down for the night.

I love messing with her.

She smiled to herself, something she now always did if she ended her day talking to Y/N.

"What's got you all smiley DJ?"

Dinah looked over to Normani, whom she was sharing a room with.

"Nothing. I'm just really happy," Dinah replied.

Normani turned to face Dinah, "Is it because of mystery person you keep texting?"

Dinah blushed and nodded her head as she his under her blanket. "Well do tell," Normani said with a smirk. Dinah smirked back, "Long version or short version?"

Mani yawned, "I'm kinda tired. So hit me up with the short version."

So Dinah told her the short version including Y/N's flawless selfies.

"Wow Dinah. You seem to really like this girl?" Mani said teasingly. Dinah laughed, "I do. I really do..." She said as she went through the selfies Y/N had sent her.

"I want to meet her. In person," Dinah said out of nowhere. Normani quirked an eyebrow, "How do you plan on doing that?"

"I want to show her the me the world knows. Fifth Harmony's Dinah Jane. I want to bring her to a concert and show her this part of my life, so I can ask her out," Dinah said, pulling the idea seemingly out of nowhere...

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