Chapter 7

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Dylin's  POV

I couldn't wait to get to work this morning because I was going to see the uptight lady who has been on my mind all weekend. The kiss we had at the club left me wanting more and I was definitely going to get more. I stepped out of the elevator to my floor and my eyes immediately scanned the area. Brenda was in the hallway talking to her PA and damn she looked hot for the office and I knew exactly where I wanted her. In the middle of my bed and under me after I have ripped her cloths off. The elevator dinged making her raise her head and our eyes connecting in the process. I noticed the blush creep up her cheek before she looked away.

" Hi " I said to them both passing by. I wanted to say more to her but I didn't want an audience for that. Settling behind my desk I noticed the files Sydney was to correct on my desk.

" She finally did something on time" I muttered and begun my day. 

Brenda's POV

" Arrogant bustard. He completely ignored me this morning " I said to Nellie

" What did you expect him to do. Jump on you in the hallway ?" She said and looked in the menu when the waiter got to our table " I'll have a salad with beef and a pineapple juice "

" I'll have the same but with a coffee" The waiter left and I turned back to her.

" I don't get you. You are supposed to be ignoring the guy so if he does that for you what's the problem"

" I don't get myself either. The way he just walked past me with a pathetic hi didn't sit right with me. I don't know maybe that's not what I expected "

Nellie kept looking at me with a slight smile on her face. " Brenda are you falling for him ?"

I felt my face getting hot immediately " What no don't even think about that" I can't start having feelings for that idiot, no not after all the problems and heartaches I had in my previous relationship. I came out a strong person and am not going to allow  Dylin to take me through all that again. "I will not allow myself to be fooled by a man again. Once was enough"

" Honey don't say that. Just because that heartless swine did what he did doesn't mean you should............."

" Can we talk about something else please, remembering is not always easy for me". The waiter came with our food and we dug in.

I pressed the intercom for my PA's office and spoke through it " Susan I am back from lunch. Do I have any messages ?"

" Yes madam, Mr Williams wants you to know that the hotel is now available to the company so you and his son should go and check it out"

Hump " Thanks Susan" I disconnected the line and sat back in my chair. " Just what I needed. At least he didn't say we should leave together"  Minutes later I was in the hallway and stopped to tell my PA to clear my schedule for the day and headed to the hotel. To say it was big was an understatement, the building was huge and I wondered how much it cost. I walked over to the receptionist. A lady who looked like she's in her late twenties.

" Hi I am Brenda Montey from Duchess Gray Designing Company" I said and plastered a smile on my face. 

" Oh hi Miss Montey we were expecting you. Are you here alone because management said to also expect a Mr Williams" Oh damn. Today couldn't get any better.

" Emm..... its just......" I didn't get to finish

" Here I am. Am sorry I got a little delayed with traffic" Dylin said moving closer behind me. "Working without me again huh " he whispered while giving the receptionist a bright smile.

" Please can you show us to the rooms we are starting with ?" I asked with a little force for getting irritated.

" Sure just a minute, someone will come down to show you to the rooms" Two hours later and we were being ushered into the last room to design and it was a room with the biggest space I have ever seen. No offense but what is all that space for. 

" That's a lot of space" I said checking the other rooms it has and the balcony.

" Yeah" Dylin replied " We'll  need a lot of things to fill it up. I think it's going to be something like an executive suit" He moved around the room inspecting it like I was.

Since that was the last room and my job here was done for the day I turned and left the balcony heading to the door but his voice stopped me.

" Running again aren't we" I knew he being composed throughout our time there was too good to be true.

I turned to face him. " I don't know what you mean by that" Big lie. I know what he means.

" I want to apologize for being an ass" he said taking me off guard.

" When exactly because you are always an ass" Wow I didn't plan for that to come out but it felt good getting it out all the same.

He gave a small laugh and brushed his hands through his thick hair. " You are not going to make it easy for me right? I know I deserve it." He kept staring at me and I got uncomfortable.

" If you are done can I leave. I have a lot of things to do." I readied my bag on my arm and was about to leave when he grabbed me from behind bringing me against him.

" Relax darling I just want to talk" he said in a low voice still holding me and damn how that voice sent chills through out my body. And being this close to him..... its so not fair. How am I supposed to be immune to the person when just hearing his voice gives me pleasure I have never experienced before.

" You can talk without holding me " wow that came out as a whisper.

" Look Brenda why do u keep denying that there is chemistry between us ? I don't get you " he said with a bit of impatience in his voice.

" You are imaging things because I feel absolutely nothing for you " lie of the century here I come.

" Yeah but the way you melt in my arms tells me otherwise. Admit it " No no no I pushed hard against him until he let me go. I couldn't allow myself to get comfortable in his arms.

" Stop playing this mind games with me Dylin. Am never going to be one of your play things that you use and dump when you are bord. I will never sleep with you."

" Wow that's what you are thinking. That I just want to get into your pants ?" He said with a disappointed look on his face. Its not my fault you are a player.

" That's exactly what you want. We never get along and all of a sudden there's chemistry between us? Give me a break, am not that naive" Damn right am not.

" Look I know you don't trust me ........".

" Of course I don't".

" Can you wait for me to finish please " He said and it was obvious this conversation was getting uncomfortable.

" I don't even know why we are having this conversation but please the only relationship that will be between us is work and I ask you to respect that. Excuse me" wow finally time to leave. I left quickly to avoid him from stopping me. God why him, why is he the one awakening this kind of feelings in me, of all the people I didn't get along with it had to be him. The most notorious playboy around. Just what I needed to happen to me.

"Please help me God" the drive back home gave me a lot of time to think about everything. I couldn't expect him to stay faithful to me if we did have a relationship considering him being a playboy. All I'll be signing up for is another heartbreak leaving me more miserable than the first time. "This attraction is going nowhere and it has to stop now" Hump I couldn't risk my heart getting broken again. I don't think I have the strength to endure this time round.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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