Chapter 1

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*Navaeh's pov*

"I am exhausted" Cassidy whined.

"I know, I am too but we can't stop."I told her.

Cassidy and I are currently walking in the forest, god knows where we are.We have been walking for days, eating the canned food we packed witch is very little because we are trying to make it last as long as it possibly can.

I guess I should introduce myself. Hi, my name is Navaeh. Im in the woods with my best friend Cassidy I call her Cas. I'm kinda short, about 5'4. I am 25 years old and so is Cas. I have light brown hair that goes down to my butt and hazel eyes. Currently wearing black skinny jeans that have little holes in them. My bejeweled combat boots, and a dark purple tank top that hugs my body just right, and my black leather jacket. I have have a crossbow that is my baby, and only a hand full of arrows.

We come to a clearing and see a camp sight.

"Hey look! There is an RV,and it looks like people are there!" Cassidy shouts and takes off running.

"Cassidy! Cassidy get your ass back here!" I yell at her, then run into her back. I step out from behind her to see a man pointing a gun to her face.

It was a man with black curly hair. He was muscular and attractive, but there was something about him that I just couldn't put my finger on, that said something wasn't right about him.

"Shane put that down!" A woman called from behind him. She was pretty. She had long brown hair and her eyes were brown.

"Who are you and how did you find us?" The guy, Shane I think was his name, asked us.

I took a quick glance around at everyone and then I saw an man with blue eyes. We made eye contact for a while until looked back at Shane to answer his question.

"I'm Nevaeh and this is my best friend Cassidy. We don't mean any harm, we have been running for days in the forest and saw this clearing. We well Cassidy decided to come up here." I said glaring a Cas.

"Oh well you guys seem harmless enough, would you like to join out little group?" He asked.

"Really? That would be wonderful." I said to him.

He walked away and the woman that yelled at Shane earlier came up to us.

"I'm Lori."

"Hi Lori, I'm Navaeh and this is Cassidy. It is so nice to see other people."

I told her.

"Yes it is, here come with me and I'll introduce you guys to everyone."

I soon found out everyone's names. There was the old man that looked in his 60's that owned the RV. His name was Dale. There were two blond girls witch were sisters that were named Andrea witch was the oldest, then the other was Amy. An African-American woman and man. The woman's name is Jacky and the mans name was T-Dog.

There was the Morels family, Lori's son Carl. A woman that looked like she was in her late 30's. Her name was Carol, her daughter Sophia she looks about 7 or so, and Carols husband Ed. He keeps giving me creepy lustful looks. The Dixon brothers Merle, he was the oldest and then there was Daryl. He was the redneck that has the blue eyes I was looking at earlier. He was cute. I was definitely attracted to him. Then there was Jim, he helped Dale with the RV. Then an Asian man named Glenn.

A little while Glenn, Andrea, Merle, T-Dog, and the father of the morels family, I can't remember his name so I just call him Morel, went out o a supply run. Then Daryl went hunting, so I didn't get to socialize with them much.

I went over to Carol and Cas and helped them with the laundry. I was a bout a few hours now and I was bored.

"Hey Cas, do you wanna go swimming with me?"

"Yes! We haven't been able to swim in forever!" Cassidy yelled at me.

We went to the RV to look for towels and to my surprise we found some.

We got to the little lake close to the camp site and took everything off except our panties and bras. Cas went around a rock to get some rocks she saw while I got out of the water and went to get my clothes. Then all of a sudden someone grabs me and slams me agents a rock. It was Ed. He was running his hands up and down my body.

"The fuck!"


"Ed! What the hell are you doing? Get the fuck off of me!"

"Stop fightin' bitch!"

Oh god! He is going to rape me! I knew there was something that told me he was bad! He is kissing my neck ewww!!

"Ew! Ed no! Stop!"

"Stop squirming dammit!"

"Help! Help! Somebody help!! Cassidy help me!"

"What the hell are you doing Ed?! Get off of her!" Cassidy screamed and jumped in his back choking him. She gets him off of me and manages to get him on the ground. Woah I never knew she was that strong! She is now straddling him and punching his face. I'm pretty sure she gave him a black eye and possibly a fat lip. Well the motherfucker deserves it.

"Cas........Cassidy common! Lets go!" I yelled.

She came back and we put on our clothes and head back to camp.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. He didn't get that far."

"Ok good. I think I gave him a black eye!"

"And a fat lip! Dang girl I didn't know you were that strong!"

"Ha I didn't either, but if you mess with my best friend, I'll beat you face in!"

"Same here girl friend!" I screamed.

We get back to camp and go into the RV to change. We get back out and a red mustang comes to a stop in front of the RV. Dale cut the horn and Glenn steps out of the car.

"What are you doing!?" Shane screamed at Glenn.

"What? I got a new car!" Glenn said innocently.

"Where are the others?" Amy asked kind of shaken up.

"They are coming, they were right behind me." Glenn says that right about the time a moving van comes up the road. Everyone steps out except Merle, oh god where is Merle. Daryl is going to flip. Then a mysterious man steps out of the moving van.


Hey guys! This is my first time writing a walking dead story so yeah. I do not own any of the walking dead characters except Naveah and Cassidy.

I hope you guys liked it!!:)



~Bye guys~


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