Chapter 2

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*Navaeh's pov*

This man steps out of the moving van and Carl runs up to him.


"Carl?....Lori!" The man screams.

Lori and Carl run towards the man.

"Rick!" Lori scrams.

So this mans name is Rick. I'm guessing Carl's dad and Lori'a husband. Shane looked shocked, and a little sad to see Rick. I wonder why.

That night we were all sitting by the fire listening to Rick tell his story.

"Ok I hate to change the subject but what are we going to do about Daryl Dixon?" Dale asked.

Oh lord, this will be.......interesting.

"I will be the one to tell him, I handcuffed his brother to that roof." Rick said.

"No I will, I dropped the damn key." T-Dog said.

"No offense T-Dog but everyone knows you and Merle weren't buddies. I don't think you should tell him." I said. He nodded in response.

"We need to tell him the truth. Say he was out of control and he was going to get us killed if we didn't do something." Andrea said.

"We'll guys, I think I'm going to turn in for the night." I said and turned to the RV.

I woke up to Daryl yelling.

"Oh this is going to be a joy." I said to my self.

"Wait let me process this. Your saying that you hand cuffed my brother to a roof, and you LEFT HIM THERE?!" Daryl screamed.

"It was my fault, I dropped the key." T-Dog said.

"And you couldn't pick it up!"

No, it fell down a drain."

Daryl charge at T-Dog. Rick pointed a gun to his head.

"We don't kill the living."

"Funny. Coming from a guy that is pointing a gun to my head." Daryl span and walked off. But before he could get too far T-Dog spoke up again.

"Daryl wait. I put chains and a lock on the door to the roof so the geeks won't be able to get to him."

"We'll he have to go back." Daryl said and started walking back toward us again.

"Yeah and Rick will take you. Won't you Rick?" Lori asked.

"Yes I will go back. Anyone wanna go with us? Glenn?" Rick asked.

"Why me?"

"Because you are the only one who can get around there so fast. And I also left a bag of guns in one of the streets. There is a lot of guns and amo that we need."

"I'm in." T-Dog said.

"So am I." I said.

"No" Cas and Daryl said at the same time.

"Yes I am. Look I can watch my own ass ok. I wanna go, I'm going to go. And you four need all the help you can get." I said.

"Ok good, so it is the five of us then?" Rick asked

"Yep." I said.

"Navaeh you can't go." Cassidy begged.

"Cas I will be fine, I promise I will come back. Ok?"

"Ok, but I still don't want you to go."

"I know" I said. We hugged each other for a bit then I walked to the van.

"I love you Cas!"

"I love you too Naveah!" She said.

I went to get in the van and Daryl stuck his hand out for me. I took it.

"Thanks" I said and he just grunted.

I sat across from T-Dog and Daryl sat kind of close to me. Glenn and Rick sat in the front.

"So where are you from?" T-Dog asked me.

"Atlanta actually. Me and Cas had a house together."

"What did you do before the world went to shit?" He asked me.

"We'll I was getting my nursing degree. I got it right before all hell broke loose."

"Cool, so can you do surgery and stuff like that?"

"No, the only surgery I can do is a c-section."

"Oh well that will come in handy now."

"Ha yeah I guess it will." I said to T-Dog said.

It was quiet for a few minutes then Daryl spoke.

"He better be there, that's all I have t' say bout' the matter." Daryl said.

"He will be. I told you I put a chain and lock on the door. Nothing is going to get in there but us." T-Dog told Daryl.

"So, did you lose any family because of the walkers?" T-Dog asked me.

"Nope. The only person that I have ever loved except Cassidy was my mamma. She did what I was 13."

"Oh. Well how did she die? If you don't mind me asking?" He asked. Crap!

"She uh..died in a accident." I lied. I tried to avoid he eyes too because I an a horrible lier.

"Oh, we'll I am so sorry." He said.

"It's ok." I said and with that our conversation ended.

We parked the van and went to go get Merle first. Only because he was closer then the guns.

We get to the top of the roof and he isn't there. The only thing there is his hand. I just stood there is shock, Daryl was screaming and he pointed his crossbow at T-Dogs head. Rick got him calmed down though.

"You got a do rag or somthin'?" Daryl asked. He got Merle's hand and put it in Glenn's backpack.

"Guys, there is a trail of blood." I said.

Daryl and I are following the trail and we enter this office of some sort.

"See I told you Merle was tough, no one can kill Merle but Merle." Daryl said.

"It doesn't matter how tough he is! He could die of blood loss." Rick said.

I go over a stove type thing.

"What is that?" Daryl asked. "Its burned skin." Rick said

I wasn't really paying attention, I was looking around the room.

Then the boys made up this plan that Glenn, Daryl and I will go get the guns and Rick and T-Dog would be three blocks down, just incase Glenn can't come back to me and Daryl.

We get down to the alley and Glenn is about to go get the bag.

"You got balls for a china man." Daryl said.

"I'm Korean."

"Whatever." Daryl said, and with that Glenn went to get the bag.

Some Mexican kid jumped down and started screaming. Daryl hit him to shut him up then three more guys came out of no where and started beating us up. One guy had me pinned up to a wall, then Glenn came around the corner with the guns.

"Shit!" He said ant turned around.

"Hey he has the guns!"

"Get him!"

They started running for him and I jumped on one of the guys back. A car pulled up and they put me and Glenn in the back. But Glenn dropped the guns.

The men put duck tape on our mouths and a bag over our head, then I blacked out.

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