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Isaac woke up to sunlight on his face, the exhausted boy letting out a low groan and rolling over to bury his face in his pillow.

He had been getting up early every morning to work at that damned coffee shop, trying to find out more about the girl Elaine. She started getting her things to go, so Isaac could no longer corner her in a booth and question her. Besides that, he planned to use today as an excuse to sleep in until well past noon.

He heard the faint clinking off dishes, and Argent talking in a hushed tone with someone whose voice seemed far too familiar.

Isaac shot out of bed and opened his bedroom door, stumbling down the hall and into the kitchen.

Her back was to him, her dark curly hair moving along with the shake of her head at something Chris had said.

"Good morning." Argent greeted, looking up at the boy he had taken in and prompting his guest to turn around. "This is-"

"Isaac." Elaine's eyes took him in, tired eyes and messy hair while she lingered a little too long on his bare chest. "We've met."

"How's that?" Argent leaned back in his chair, folding his hands in his lap.

"He works at my favorite coffee shop." She replied simply, smiling lightly.

"You got Allison addicted to that place." He chuckled, making Isaac stare at her.

"You knew Allison?" Isaac asked slowly, things falling into place. "Is that how you knew my name?"

Argent and Elaine glanced at each other, almost as if there was an underlying joke in what he said.

"Something like that." Elaine mused, standing up. "It was really lovely to see you again, Chris. I'll have to visit again."

"Of course." Chris rubbed his hands together, neither of them making no move to hug goodbye. "Make sure you bring some of that pie Mrs.Granger makes, all right?"

"Isaac." Elaine nodded, giving him a polite smile before showing herself the door. Once she was gone he turned to stare at Chris, the older man chuckling.

"What's so funny?"

"She's an interesting one, isn't she?" He shook his head, a strange smile on his lips as he cleared the plates. "I'm going to take a guess you touched her on accident."

"She almost fell, so I caught her."

"Elaine is.... special." Argent sighed, making Isaac roll his eyes. He wasn't enjoying the man's vagueness one bit.

"I've been told she's crazy." Isaac sat down at the island, his eyes on the pale pink lipstick stain on the cup Argent pulled off the table.

"Do you believe it?" Isaac just shrugged, making him chuckle again. "It's easier for her to explain, I'm afraid you'll have to find out from her."

"Find out what?" His eyebrows knitted together as he waited for an answer, but Chris just shrugged and started humming, turning on the sink.


Who edits their chapters? Not me.

Vague chris. Nice.

I don't know how I feel about this chapter tbh lolol

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