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"You know what I just realized?" Elaine said, picking at the grass while she sat.

"What?" Isaac asked, smiling as he watched Elaine tie a strand of grass into a circle so that it looked like a little ring.

"If Deaton finds some miracle long term solution, I probably won't be able to see Allison anymore." She looked down at the makeshift ring in her hands, taking a deep breath and looking over at him. She squinted against the sun, an unreadable expression on her face. "I don't like the idea of that."

"You guys are so damn morbid." Allison piped in, making Elaine snort. "Like really? You guys are just chillin' in front of my grave, talking about never being able to see me again."

"What?" Isaac asked, Elaine shaking her head with a smile.

"Allison is scolding me for being morbid." She shrugged, dropping the grass circle in the ground. Isaac reached over and picked it up carefully, sliding it onto his pinky finger.

"She's not wrong." He pointed out, Elaine looking at his hand and biting down on the inside of her cheek.

"At least you guys are better than Mase." Allison sighed, looking back towards the car. Mason had refused to come into the graveyard, not wanting to be forced with the reality of Allison's grave. "He's being a depressing loser."

"Allison." Elaine hushed her, even though no one else could hear her but her. "That's not nice."

"My sense of humor has become a little skewed." Allison grinned, Elaine just shaking her head and looking down at the ground. Isaac just watched in amusement, not having any clue of what she was saying. "God, the way he looks at you it's the cutest thing in the world."

Elaine looked up at Allison with wide eyes, her mouth dropping open slightly before shutting it. Isaac gave her a funny look, chuckling softly. "What is it?"

"Nothing." Her face turned a light shade of pink, the girl looking down at her fingers as she twisted them together.

"He's doing it again." Allison leaned next to her shoulder as she whispered, Elaine wishing she could smack her. "I just want you guys to kiss already."

"Tell me." Isaac scooted closer, growing more curious as he heard her pulse jump. Elaine's mouth opened for a second, a small noise coming from the back of her throat before she shut it again. "Okay, don't tell me. Secrets don't make friends, you know?"

"But friends make secrets." Elaine and Allison chimed together, something that they had said time and time again growing up. They used to hide in the woods behind Elaine's childhood home, telling secrets and giggling while making Mason jealous over being left out.

"We should get back before it gets dark." Isaac looked up at the sky, frowning at the clouds above them. "I think it's gonna start raining."

"Okay." Elaine said, watching as Isaac stood up and held out his hand to help her up. She just stared awkwardly at it for a second, before Isaac got an embarrassed look on his face and pulled it back.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." She gave him a reassuring smile, pushing herself up and brushing the dirt off of her jeans. Together they walked slowly to the car, wanting to savor the walk together before they had to deal with Mason's passive aggressiveness.

Allison watched quietly with a grin was she followed behind them, her eyes trained on how close their hands were without actually touching.

Elaine got distracted as she looked around at the trees, watching tiny birds hop alone the branches. It was ironic, how a place associated with so much pain and sorrow, could still be so beautiful and full of life.

Isaac wasn't focused on the nature around him, but instead he was watching her. He took in her delicate features, how her lips barely curled up as she watched a squirrel dart across the lawn. He couldn't believe that someone so pure and warm hearted could have to endure so much pain.

He quickly glanced up at the sky when she looked up at him, pretending to be fascinated by the grey clouds. Isaac cleared his throat and rubbed his neck, finally looking back at her. She was watching him with a curious expression, but unlike him she didn't look away.

"Ugh, I love this." Allison quickly covered her mouth, Elaine looking back at her with a bewildered expression. "I ruined the moment again, damn it."


Not edited

I'm just trying to come up with a few filler chapters to try and delay the end of this book :(((

What are some things that you want to see before I end Elaine's story???

Vote and Comment!!!

Brea xx

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