The next day after our break up wasn't all sparkles and rainbows, I was trying to avoid Ayumi for the whole day yet it seems that fate have other plans. It appears that see Ayumi everywhere I go. The worst thing is that every encounter would get very very awkward. So I immediately dragged Haru, Rei, and Nagisa outside the school as soon as the bell rang.
After all our running we ended up on a fast food restaurant. I decided to treat them as sorry for dragging them all the way here. After I got our orders I sat down on the table and started eating. We ate in silence but a certain blonde decided to break it. "Makoto, is something wrong? You're not in your usual self today." Nagisa observed.
I gave them a sad smile and said, "Ayumi...broke up with me..." A four-eyed bluenette named Rei coughed and said, "It's quite obvious you know. It's already the talk of the whole classroom. Why did you two broke up?"
"Well, let's just say that she realized that she's too good for me."
"What do you mean?" Nagisa asked again.
I gave a long sigh and said, "She was quite literally 'too good' and decided that she would like to become a nun."
They all snickered at what they just heard and Rei wore a triumphant smirk. I'm guessing that he had already calculated that this would happen. So Rei looked at me and I could literally see that glint in his eyes. "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. As I expected. Ever since you two became a couple I already predicted that this would happen and what's more amazing is that I was right that in the span of five months, you'll break up." he said and then he turned and faced Nagisa, "Now Nagisa, give me the money. You lost our bet! Bwahaha! Beautiful! Beautiful!" Rei really looked like he was about to go nuts.
"Bet? A bet about what?" I asked and Nagisa just smiled sheepishly at me and said,
Umm...we were betting if you'll last a year with another good girlfriend of yours. I said that you'll both last but I guess Rei won." Nagisa looked disappointed as he handed the money to Rei however we all know that he'll come back to his normal self within seconds."I guess water is my one true love..." I said as I was about to take a bite of my burger yet a hand stopped me. 'Y-you can't love water! We're already in a relationship!" Haru declared.
Haru may look all serious and cool but he is such a child when water is involved. As long as he sees a body of water that is large enough for him to fit in he'll jump right away! "Calm down Haru! Fine. You can make water your wife then I'm the fiancé."
We may be idiots for making water our wife and fiancé but I guess that our love for water is something that's so precious for us. Another thing is that this random conversation made me feel a little better. I really am glad to have them!
We finished our meal and went to our homes. I'm living by myself so my place felt a little lonely. I was too tired to do anything so I just brushed my teeth, took a shower, and went to my bed.
As I was about to fall asleep I heard a loud thump on the roof. I just shrugged it off thinking that it was just a cat or something.
I heard the same sound again but it's even louder this time.
Ok. I'm really starting to get anxious. What is that sound?! I better go check on it. I was about to stand up when suddenly...
*boogsh* "Wahhhhhhhhhhhh!"
02: End
Finished: 1:29 PM, 07/24/2013
Hi! I'm sorry I couldn't think of a better title for this chapter. Hahaha xD But I've found the perfect look for Akira, my OC! I'll post it next chapter :)) Anyway, I'd like to read your thoughts about this chapter. Thanks!
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I want it Bad (Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Fanfiction - Makoto Tachibana)
FanficMakoto Tachibana has been dumped countless times by his Ex-Girlfriends who are all the 'Goody-two-shoes' type. That's why he decided that he would never date a good girl again. But be careful what you wish for because his world took a 360 degree spi...