Villige hope

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Once a pon a time there lived a village named hope it was named hope because there where many people in there that believe in all there dreams and they know that all there dreams will come true that's why many people live in there. But one guy named jack he hates the town named hope here wishes to name it jack village someday he was very naughty boy so he was walking with his bff  named  Ana. So they whent in the video games store and jack sed did you ever have a feeling that you wanted to rule over hope town no Ana sed why did you ask because I won't to take hope vill down and name it jack village ahum Ana sed o ya I  meant to say Ana and jack vill ok let's do it ok jack sed Tomorrow we will make a plan to RULE OVER HOPE VILL ok ok to harsh ya ok bye bye the next morning jack woke up at 6:30 so he can wake up Ana to make the plan jack and Ana are making a bad plan

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