Jack and ana's plan

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They stared with starting at the hope sign so they drew the hope sign on some paper I got it jack we can tp everyone's house no no jack sed we are going to ERASE THE WORD HOPE TO HOP hahaha o ok Ana sed then we can tp everyone's house NO jack sed no TP people's house fine Ana sed I am not going to do this ok ok jack sed we will at the end we will have some fun know hehehehe ok I am ready to tear down hope vill so we will need a saw some glue and a distraction no why I am going to be a distraction Ana sed PLZ jack sed fine I will do it but we will have to make a deal ok anything you won't just help. I wont money ok ok how much 100$ what jack sed  you sed how much Ana sed  ok deal so after a week they fix there plan so they first TP everyone's house jack was so sleepy so Ana and jack whent to bed at 11:45 they work so hard but is Ana going to let jack do ruined hope vill

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