Ana win or jack win ?

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Ana did not wont jack to tell her everything so she has a better plan she sed JACK I am not going to help you I got a big bad horrible plan that everyone will only listen to me HA HA HAHAHA I will be there queen forever. Jack sed and I will be there king right? No Ana sed you will be my slave (laughs out loud ) I hate all of you people and I will only me I will remove hope to hop hehehehe that day Ana removed the word hope to hop so everyone srarted to hop like crazy Ana was so happy but Ana was thinking and thinking and she sed this is rong I can't so she put the word hope back and everything was happy and everyone and then Ana sed what have I done to hope vill where is jack she sed know one knows where jack is but Ana and everyone lived happily ever after THE END

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2016 ⏰

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