Mandatory Group Meeting

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Genesis's pov
  At about ten o'clock, everyone knocked on the door. I let them all in and invited them to the living room.

"So, what's this about?", 
Zach said sounding a bit curious.

"Yeah, is everything alright?" Destiny said.

"That's what I brought you all here to talk about, snacks?"

Zach got up and took a few grapes from the bowl. Amethyst came downstairs and sat next to me on the opposite side of the couch. Our parents had left for work, so we were home alone until eleven o'clock at night.

"Now, I've brought you all here to address a problem with someone else and how we will get them back. You guys remember Colby, Right?"

Eveyone said

"Well its seems that he was seen cheating on my sister last night, and you all know how she feels about him."

"WHAT! WHERE IS HE?! I'LL KILL HIM!" Brianna bursted out with an angered expression on her face. She looked ready to kill him.... I liked that.

"I know right. But we can't do that. We'll go to jail. And I don't want blood on my hands anyway. So we have to get him back somehow without killing him. What do you guys suggest?"

"Shit, I dont know." Zach said seeming to not care.

"Prank?" Destiny suggested

"No, that's too weak"

"Kill him, burn him, bury him. No one would suspect a thing." Brianna suggested.

"Trust me, I'd want nothing more, but we can't do that."

"Fine, don't kill him. Chop his balls off instead.", Bri came back with.

"Thats not bad actually"

"HELL NO" Zach  yelled sounding kinda protective.

"Why not?" She asked.

"WHAT GUY WOULD WANT THAT, I'D RATHER YOU GO WITH YOUR FIRST SUGGESTION" Zach sounded like he was the one getting it.

"We can't do that though",

"Ugh, you people are lame" Brianna sounded annoyed.

"I have an idea." Amethyst spoke up looking down at the floor.

"Go ahead sis"

"Well, maybe we should prank him, and make him hurt at the same time Like, scare his ass to death and then embarrass the shit out of him."
She said that with a strangely devilish way.

"Thats not actually bad."

"Yeah, we should do that"
Zach said kinda relieved.

"I agree." Destiny said.

"Not bad, but its too basic." Brianna sounded like she wasn't satisfied with that idea.

"Well then, is it settled?"

"Yes" everyone but Brianna said.

She said "no" in a light tone.

"Ok then, its settled. Let's do this!"
Amethyst's pov

The plan was to make him believe I killed myself because of what happened at the party. Colby planned a date for us already on Saturday. When he comes to pick me up, i was supposed to lay on the bathroom floor with a fake cut on my wrist and in my other hand would be a note left next to me that said "I thought you loved me. Look at what you made me do." And when he panics and leaves the room,(knowing how scared his is of dead people) I have to get up and sneak to a different room and hide, which would probably freak him out. And when he turns around Zach punches him in the face as hard as he can. Hoping he gets knocked unconscious, we strip him to his underwear and put him outside in a public place where he'd wake up to embarrassment. That's not the worst part. One of us is going to record him and his reaction and that would blow up the internet. It was only Friday though, so we had six  days to set up. We needed multiple items for this. So Genesis and I would use our saved up money from our weekly allowance  to help pay for it all. Every week, we each get $50 to buy new clothes or shoes.
So instead of that, we buy supplies. 
Destiny 's pov

Since I was the most artistic, my job was the make up and scenery. I had to make sure everything looked realistic and not suspicious. I had to get the fake blood and make sure Amethyst looked like she cut her wrist and killed herself. Amethyst had to write the note so it was in her handwriting. Everyone had a part in this. Genesis had to make noises to scare him after he sees Amethyst on the floor. Brianna makes realistic crying sounds to lure him in the bathroom. And Zach just had to punch him and make sure he himself isn't seen. We got started Wednesday morning at Zach's house after a few days of planning. Amethyst gave me $150 to buy name brand supplies at the store. I left and drove in my car with Genesis. Brianna stayed with Amethyst to show her how to lay down, what face to make, and things like that. Zach stayed too and got his hand ready.
"How much longer till we get there?" Genesis spoke up after 10 minutes.

"About 5 more minutes, we're almost there." I turned the radio on and "Stressed out" by twenty one pilots came on.
Brianna's pov
I honestly don't mind doing this because Amethyst is my very best friend. But a prank is too weak. I'm crazy about Amethyst. Something more should've been done. I'd be happy to cut a guy's dick off for my best friend. But no, they want to do something as weak as a prank.  Anyways, I stayed at Zach's house with Amethyst and showed her how to fake being dead.

"Ok, let's see how you look already"

Amethyst sounded kinda nervous.
She layed on the ground and closed her eyes, but she was still breathing.

"Don't forget to hold your breath for as long as you can while doing that."

Amethyst held her breath for a total of 20 seconds tops.

"That's perfect, you'll do great"

She got up and gave me a high five. She'll do perfectly.

Genesis's pov

At the store, Destiny and I came in looking for make up items. But, we didn't know where they were though, so I asked one of the workers there.

"Excuse me, but where are the make up supplies located?"
I made sure to be polite.

"On isile 13, I'll show you."
The tall blond woman answered politely.

"Ok thanks"

We followed the woman to isile 13 and saw everything we needed.
I hope this chapter is much better for you guys. Again, so sorry if this chapter is too short. I hope you're enjoying this book so far. This is my first time writing a book. Let me know if you have any good ideas to share about the book. Thanks for reading!!

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