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The clouds rolled to each other and grumbled to signify that rain is about to pour down on Tokyo. The passersby grabbed for their umbrella before a drop fell. In a certain basketball court, holds a girl at the center dribbling a ball.

She has light teal hair that is pulled back into a high ponytail and a head band. She is biting at her dark grey long sleeved shirt as she stared at the hoop. She can feel her phone vibrating in the pocket of her sweat pants but she ignored it.

The ball bounced on the ground just as a raindrop fell. Her shoes brushed faintly on the ground as she urged forward, still dribbling the ball. Not a single care about the downpour. She dribbed the ball between her legs and pivoted to the side as if avoiding an invisible opponent. She jumped to make a scoop shot.

The ball bumped on the board and went in the hoop smoothly, when it bounced up from the ground the girl slapped it with force. Sending it and some drops in its way flying across the court. She was already at the other side before the ball, which she caught with no tinge of pain in her hands and dribbled. Briefly, she stared at the hoop again before bending her knees to jump & releasing the ball as she did.

She huffed while strolling and watching the ball in the air. It dropped in the hoop effortlessly. She grabbed it and looked up at the sky, closing her eyes as if relaxing in the midst of the rain. "Water..." she uttered, "Why is everything about water?"

Why Is Everything About Water?

"Well, this is my stop." The black haired boy pushed up his glasses & stood up, the strap of his bag on his shoulder. "Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you?"

The girl he was talking to nodded her head, swishing her short brown hair for a second. "You're talking to a sports trainer, Hyuga-kun."

'But not a fighter.' He thought with a sigh.

"Alright, see you later, Riko."

"Be careful!" She waved at him and he briefly held up his hand while stepping down the bus. Riko watched him from the bus, not noticing a tall bright haired girl entered the bus just as Hyuga exited.

He gave one last wave before the bus took Riko away, completely oblivious about the girl sitting behind her. Riko Aida slipped out her headsets from her bag and attached them to her phone. The music blaring as she put the headsets on, but her thoughts were about the game against Yosen and Kaijo versus Fukuda.

After a while, the bus slowly screeched to a stop. Riko realized after a minute that this was her stop. "Please wait for a second!" She said to the driver, jumping out her seat & running off the bus after a brief apology to the driver.

The bright haired girl eyed the brown haired coach before standing up. "I'm going off too, ahjussi." She stated, making the driver arch an eyebrow at the last word he didn't understand but opened the bus doors anyways. The girl left her money on the dashboard & jumped out of the bus. It rolled away as the driver repeated in his head when that light teal haired girl came in.

Riko was about to turn a corner when she was snatched off her feet & driven to an alley. 'Kidnap? Rape? Just a robber to steal my things?'

These questions fired up in her mind as she bit the guy's hand, she knows 'cause the feel of his palm on her face. The guy shouted in pain and let her go. Riko gasped when a pair of arms locked hers, just realizing that her eyes haven't adjusted in the dark. She willed her senses to feel if there are more.

THAT GIRL (Kuroko No Basuke FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now