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•••No Buts, No Cuts, No Coconuts•••

•Momoi Satsuki•

There's something definitely wrong... in everything. I think the world is going to end sooner rather than later. And by sooner, I mean like, right. Now. Dai-chan seems to be in a really good mood, like, lottery winner mood. Since this morning, his lips are always twitching to a smile. Not a grin. A smile. Every time I ask him about it, he always scowls then stifles a smile. I glance at the wall clock above the blackboard, it's already 2:30 but our History teacher still isn't here. Guess it's free time before dismissal.

Chattering immediately breaks out around the room after a minute of silence because of the hall monitor treading the corridors. The class rep is by the door, checking every now and then for the hall monitor so he could signal us to quiet down when she passes by. I hear a groan from the chair behind mine, turning to see Dai-chan on his feet. "Where are you going?" I quickly ask before he can move.

He frowns, closes his eyes and sighs. ".. Seirin."

"Wah! Nande? Are you going to ask Mizune on--?!" I pull him back, he covers my mouth before I can finish my sentence.

"Damare, baka!"

"Eh? Aomine is going to ask someone from Seirin on a date?"

"It's Kagami Taiga, isn't it? Bwahahaha!"

"Aho, didn't you hear Momoi saying the unlucky girl's name?"

"Uruzai na!" Dai-chan barks, they just laugh out loud, pointing at his heating up face. Due to anger, I presume.

I tug on his arm before he can pummel them to the ground. "Anyway, I'll come with!" I chirp, beaming.

"Aren't you cutting classes?" He raises a brow.

"What does that make you? And no, since there's no teacher." I stick my tongue out, grinning.

"Whatever." Dai-chan huffs, I clap in glee.

But then, the class rep by the door scrambles back to his seat. "Sensei's coming!" He screeches, everyone (except me and Dai-chan) simultaneously plops down on their seats like they practice it before.

"Sorry, I'm late. Everyone sit down." Sensei says after entering.

I throw Dai-chan a pout while he scowls, we reluctantly plop down on our seats with a grimace. Uwah~ I really thought I would see Tetsu-kun early than expected! What if I send him a text? I glance at sensei to see him writing on the board and warily hauled out my phone to text under my desk.

Tetsu-kun, I hope I didn't disturbed you or anything. But, Happy Valentine's Day! Can we meet up later? Cuz I think Dai-chan and Mizun are meeting up...

Looking up from my phone, sensei's still writing on the board. I sigh in relief. Looking down, I try not to react too loudly at Tetsu-kun's reply.

Happy Valentine's Day, Momoi-san. And don't worry, you didn't disturbed me. Sure, are you coming with Aomine-kun?

o (><) yey! And yup~ see you later then! ^^)

Later (^ω^)

I squeal out loud and quickly cover my mouth, sensei's standing by my desk. Whimpering, I hand him my phone when he outstretches his hand out to me. "You'll get it back later after class, Momoi." He says, pocketing it before walking back up front. "Or do you want to read your messages out loud at front?"

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