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"If only I have made a decision that I know that would make me happy, I wouldn't be regretting this much

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"If only I have made a decision that I know that would make me happy, I wouldn't be regretting this much." - herwrittenthoughtss




It was a snowy evening when Zylver saw Zachary coming into the cafe where they first met. She could not explain the uneasy feeling that she had as after a long time, she saw him again. And what's more tremendously shocking was she saw him at the cafe where they first met. She never thought that Zach would go to that cafe again after they have broken up.

"It's been 3 years." She muttered to herself. Her eyes full of pain followed him as he goes over to the cashier to place an order. She just kept her eyes on him while he tilts his head and scratches the back of his head. "He must be feeling uncomfortable." True enough, Zach was truly feeling uncomfortable because he felt that someone was staring at him. "Okay, Zylver. Stop the stare, you don't want him to see you, do you?" She whispered to herself.

She stopped the stare and placed both of her hands at the outer layer of the mug to give her hands warm. "Does he still remember me?" She asked herself on her mind as she continues doing what she was doing. "Maybe..not. Maybe he has already moved on, I.. uhm..moved on.. I guess..yeah. It's probably like that." Not knowing that the drink was hot, she took it and drank it all without stopping. "Ahhhh! Hot! Hot! Hot!" She stood up and shouted which caught everyone's attention, including Zach who strained his eyes to confirm that it was Zylver. Not looking at Zach, she pretended that everything was going fine and normal when in actual fact, is not. So, she jumped around.

Zach asked for a bucket of ice from the cashier and he went closer to Zylver who was still constantly jumping around trying to stop her tongue from the burn. "Hey, here." He made her sit on the chair behind her and he bent down so that they could be at the same level as it was easier for him to put an ice into her mouth."Wait here." He commanded. Zylver was still not sure of what's going on, it hasn't sunk into her mind and the burn suddenly disappeared when they were once again close to each other.

"Do you mind?" Zachary asked Zylver who still got her mind wandered off somewhere. "Hey, Zyl, do you mind if I sit down here?" He snapped his fingers at her face which made her realize that everything that's happening was real. She cast her gaze upward. "Uh, uh... y-yeah. S-sure." She stuttered which made Zachary's eyebrow furrowed. Ignoring her action of stuttering, he sat down in front of her. Zylver's heart was beating so fast that anytime she can have a serious heart attack.

Both were feeling awkward around each other's presence but it soon began to fade away when Zachary started asking how was Zylver, what does she do now for a living and just a couple more things guys would ask about a girl when they are on a date. They went on over more a kind of questions and answers about Zylver. Feeling that the topic was boring for Zachary, Zylver began asking questions about Zachary's life.. without her.

"So...what's up?" She asked. Zach took a sip from his coffee before answering her question.

"Ceiling?" They both chuckled at his answer.

"No, What I meant is, what are you up to lately?"

He licked off the cream which made him looked sexy and which also made Zylver's heart go crazy.

"Hmm... I'm still the same. Nothing much interesting about me.."

"I see, so, where do you currently live now?"

"Ah, just a few blocks away from here. It's the "Terlique Apartment"' Zylver was shocked from what she heard because she lives in the same apartment. She tried to act normal and unknowingly took Zach's coffee for a sip. Zachary just stared at her cuteness. "..oh, so... uhm.. how long have you been living there?" She asked. "How could we not even bumped into each other once?!" She wanted to ask that to him but it would seem weird for Zachary.

"Just a couple of months ago and by the way, that's my coffee." He giggled. Zylver's eyes went really big and quickly placed down the cup of coffee. She looked away to hide her face from embarrassment.

He giggled once again before taking his iPhone from his pocket to read the message he got. "Alright, I gotta go. My girlfriend's waiting for me..."He stood up and before going out of the cafe, he looked at Zylver, "Goodbye Zylver.. See you again." His voice sounded as if he was hurt but he still went out of the cafe, welcoming his girlfriend with a big hug. Zylver was left dumbfounded and was truly hurt with the scene she saw.

"This is all my fault, I shouldn't have left..I shouldn't have.. I'm sorry Zach..I'm really sorry." Her tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked at the guy, who loved her with all his heart, being happy with another girl. "I still love you, Zachary Davis.."


Note: Written with all her heart.

Quotation: "And writing became her escape."

Regrets: ✓

PS: Some photos posted are mine and some photos are from the internet. Credits to owners!

Thank you for reading! ♥


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