Chapter 1

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Written for the 2016 Wattpad Fanfiction Valentine Contest: Prompt-

A Secret Admirer

A/N: This is just.... Fluff

Hermione glanced up at the podium where Headmistress McGonagall had called for attention a few seconds ago. A frown etched on her face.

"All sixth, seventh and eight years, the school has decided to hold a Valentine's Ball this year. Prefects and head boy and girl, please come and visit me when classes are finished for the day tomorrow."

With that, the headmistress smiled at the excited faces before her. The ensuing excited murmurs drowning out everything else very quickly, she left them to finish their dinner, sitting down once more at the head table.

Hermione groaned, she hated parties.

But, she was head girl, so she would have to be arranging it she guessed. She glanced at the Slytherin table, Draco was also frowning, then he smirked at something Blaise said.

Draco Malfoy was head boy.

All the seventh year's students from the year of the final war had been offered the chance to come back and finish their N.E.W.T's, thus becoming this year eight years students.

Not everyone had come, though, Draco was one of the few with Blaise Zabini from Slytherin.

She had been surprised that he had come back, being an ex-death eater, but she knew him and his family had switched sides at the last moment during the war. They had received pardons and were left to live their lives in peace further.

Lucius and Narcissa kept to themselves mostly, locked inside their Manor, the wizarding world was not as forgiving, and it would be a long time before they would be forgiven.

Draco she knew, had also spent his time locked inside till school had started again, his only friend now was Blaise. But, even though he didn't have that same cold maliciousness anymore, he was still arrogant and egotistic.

He and Hermione's favourite pass time was tormenting each other, but, she had to admit, it was more fun now and not harmful anymore.

"Earth to Hermione..."

Hermione was ripped from her musings with Ginny waving her hand before her face, a devil grin on her own face.

"So-sorry! Was in thought."

Hermione stuttered, she hadn't realised that she was still looking at Malfoy!

"In Thought... Yeah right! You were ogling Malfoy!"

Hermione groaned and frantically shushed the red head; Ginny instead just kept grinning and then winked at her.

"I was not ogling Malfoy! I was merely thinking of the party. And since Valentine's day is only a month away, we need to start the arrangements as soon as possible!"

Hermione flushed, and gave a quick glance again to Malfoy, unfortunately, he chose that moment to look up, a knowing smirk on his face.

"See! You are doing it again! No use denying it!"

Hermione groaned, oh word, she didn't know what came over her! She had been doing this for months now, this fascination with Malfoy was getting out of hand now.

"Gin... just drop it please?"

She looked at her friend imploringly, satisfied when her friend smiled in understanding.

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