1.) Im Back

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I'm so glad mom let me come back from border school. Back to beacon hills. My first year of high school at my home town.

I walk in and all eyes are on me.

"Maddie?" A girl said

"Yeah" I say wondering who this girl is.

She is about my age, obviously a freshman. She has long black hair that's straight She wore jeans, with black boots with the British flag on the toes.

"Did you forget me? How could you forget your best friend?" She said

I start to think and I squint my eyes.

"Adena? Is that you?"

"Yeah!" She said

I hugged her and we walked to my locker arms linked together. We stop at a tall locker marked 349.

I put some stuff in and start down the hall. I keep going until I see room 108.

"This is my stop."

"Ha I think we're in the same class." Adena said laughing

I walk in and see my brother in the hall talking to a girl. I ease drop and I think he kissed her.

Just as I started to see everything in the class and then a really hot guy walked in.

"Dibs!" Me and Adena say facing each other.

"Fine you can have him." I say to her pleading puppy dog eyes.

He sat down right next to us. Soon after the teacher started to take attendance.

"Liam Dunbar" the teacher said

"Here." The hot guy said

A few names passed and then she called
"Adena Haskle."

"Here." She said

A couple names later I hear mine
"Madison McCall? As in Scott?"

"Yeah he's my brother."

"Oh fantastic, another McCall." He said continuing."

"Your Scott's sister?" Liam asked

"Yup that's me, I guess."

"That's cool. He's captain of the lacrosse team!"

"I guess."

The day went on and I decided to surprise my brother at home sense he doesn't know I'm home.

When I finally get home it's been about two hours.

"I'm back!" I say walking in.

"Move!" Stiles said running and tackling me from being hit from a sword.

I look up and see by brother with glowing red eyes, claws, and fangs. Then I look and Liam's there too. The only difference is he has golden eyes. And a girl with blue neon blue eyes.

There was also the girl my brother kissed with a sword. And they where all fighting some weird doctor looking things.

Then my brother super roared and almost everyone's eyes changed color.

"Madie?" Stiles said


"Sorry I thought I saw your eyes change color."

"What that's impossible."

The doctors took one look at me and then disappeared.

"Someone wanna tell me what the hell is going on!" I yell.

"Um, Maddie? This might be hard to believe but me, Theo, and your brother are werewolfs."

"Ok? Anyone else anything?"

"I'm a were coyote." A girl said

"Banshee." Lydia said

"Kitsune" my brothers girlfriend said

"Stiles, your human right?" I commented

"Hell yeah." He said still catching his breath.

"Werewolf" A girl said from the dark.

"Who are you?"

"Forget me twice in one day, that's harsh."

"Adena!" I yell

"Yeah." She said stepping into the light, fangs and all. "It's me."

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