Chapter 1

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When I was a little girl I have always'd dreamed of living in a fairytale. The stories always made me wonder what life would be like if I was in a fairytale. my dear grandma knew how much I just loved fairytales and would read me a fairy tale every night before I went to bed. The way my grandma would read the stories made it seem like they were real she would have a spark in her blue eye when she would be reading.once in awhile she would pull back her gray with a little hint of brown hair in a bun. One time when she was about to begin a story I asked her something that was going in my head " grandma?". She turned her head a little to look at me" yes my little kat? Is there something in that little brain of yours that you want to know?" She looked at me like she knew what I was going to ask. I was to nervous to ask afraid she would laugh at me like the other kids at school would even the teachers laughed at me and so I replied " never mind it's a silly question" while twisting my red hair. grandma looked at me with a worried and questioning face expression she opened her mouth to say something but was cut off what seemed to me like something or someone was talking the air out of her. I looked at her with a horrific expression and screamed " GRANDMA!!! WHATS HAPPENING!?" But what I realized that no sound came out ' what? Why can't I speak or hear?' Then I heard a deep chilly sound that made me want to hide the back of my hair stood up. I look at grandma and I see on her face sorrow, anger and fear she looks at me then both grandma and I both notice black smoke going around her then a voice said " you tried to hid her Dorothy but you knew no matter what I would always find Kat". I could not see who the voice nor did I want to see then I feel a dark prescience over me fear, confusion and anger filled me. I was so angry that I used all of my energy and screamed this time I heard it " ARGH!!!!! " but the strange thing was I noticed water swirling around me and all over the place and I pushed the water to the ocean by waving my hand strange thing again the water moved away after that I blacked out. I wake up with sweat all over me I look around realizing it was a dream ' if only ' I though that happened 14 years ago. I remembered when I woke up after the water went away the police came lines of people were looking or trying to see what happened. After I was warmed up the police told me that no one escaped alive expect me. " what?" I asked " grandma did not survive?" While saying that my eyes were threatening to tear up. One of the short men crouched to me and looked into my deep sad blue eyes and said what I hoped was not the truth he said " I am very sorry girly you grandmother did not survive". Then I started crying.

                                                Grandma Dorothy 

                                                Grandma Dorothy 

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