Illuminati X Dipper (IllumiDip)

55 3 2

Requested By: xoxosilveroxox

Flames: Yo Dipper! There's another ship with you!

Dipper: *from upstairs* Coming! *runs down the stairs and enters the room then sits by Flames* Who is it?

Flames: xoxosilveroxox's OC, Illuminati, but likes to be called Lumi. 

Dipper: *notices her last name* Another Cipher huh? Let me guess, she's nothing like her dad?

Flames: That is right. In fact. I actually know Lumi. She's an old friend of mine that moved away from Gravity Falls with her friend Alex.

Dipper: Do you know why?

Flames: I guess to escape Bill and all the pain and suffering she went through. I was really upset when she had to leave. Although I can't blame her. Bill made her life miserable.

Dipper: Now I feel bad for her... I wish I could meet her...

*knock knock*

Flames: I'll get it... *runs to the door and opens it* Lumi!

Lumi: Flames! *gives her a huge hug* I missed you!

Flames: I missed you too! My friend and I were just talking about you!

Lumi: Really? Can I meet them?

Flames: Of course! Dipper! Come here real quick!

Dipper: *runs over to Flames and Lumi*

Flames: Dipper, this is Lumi. Lumi, this is Dipper.

Dipper: Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you.

Lumi: What did you hear?

Flames: Relax Lumi. I only told him why you had to leave Gravity Falls. Speaking of, why did you come anyway?

Lumi: Can't I just come and see my best friend? *smiles*

Flames: *chuckles* Can't argue with that. Please, come inside.

Lumi: *steps inside*

Flames: *shuts the door behind us and leads Dipper and Lumi into the living room*

Dipper and Lumi: *sit on the couch next to each other*

Flames: *sits back in front of my computer* Y'all look cute together *chuckles*

Dipper and Lumi: *look at each other then look away quickly*

Flames: Anyway. The thing Dipper and I were talking about was xoxosilveroxox requested me to give an opinion on you and Dipper.

Lumi: Oh... Well, Dipper seems to be cool. But I'll have to get to know him better.

Dipper: Same thing with Lumi.

Flames: Well if you ask me y'all would make a great couple.

Dipper: Gee thanks Flames... *turns to Lumi* Hey Lumi, wanna go to the arcade?

Lumi: Sure! Sounds fun!

Flames: And is a perfect opportunity to get to know each other!

Dipper and Lumi: *nod

Flames: Well go have fun!

Lumi: *goes to give Flames a quick hug*

Dipper: Hey Lumi! Race ya! *exits the shack and runs towards the arcade*

Lumi: Bye Flames! *runs after Dipper and shuts the door behind her*

Flames: *chuckles and shuts my laptop* Well, that's it for this ship request. Comments down below what ships you would like me to do! Bye!

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