Preference 7: He confesses his feelings

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Damon: You were at the Salvatore boarding house sitting on the couch with Damon doing nothing just hanging out. "So Y/N I have something to tell you and I don't know if it will ruined our friendship." he said breaking the silence. "What is it Damon?" you asked getting up from hanging upside down. "I'm in love with you." he said looking down not meeting your eyes.You got up from where you were sitting and walked towards him.You grabbed his chin and made him look at you. "Are you telling the truth or are you lying to me." you asked him. "Yes Y/N I'm in love with you. I'm not lying, you are the most beautiful girl in the world, you are also way to good for me and I don't deserve you but I don't care I want you to be mine." he said. I looked in his eyes to only see the truth. I leaned in and kissed him but before he could kiss me back I pulled away. "You better not break my heart." you said and he laughed and he pulled you back in so he could kiss you. "Okay." he said against your lips.

Klaus: You were both in the woods looking for something when Klaus stomped you. "What is it Klaus?" you asked him worry lacing your voice. "I have to tell you something." he said. "What do you have to tell me?" you asked him walking closer to him. "I've tried to stop thinking about you. And I can't." he said looking into your eyes. "You like me?" you asked him unsure what he met. He walked closer to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Yes Y/N I like every since I met." he said looking into your eyes. You leaned closer to his lips and whispered, "Good, I like you to." and then you kissed him to and he kissed you back.

Elijah: You were in the library reading book that Elijah recommend to you when he walked in. "Y/N I can't hold it in anymore. I have something important to tell you." he said. You put the book down and walked up to him. "What is it Elijah, are you okay?" you asked him. "This will probably ruin or friendship but I have to tell you. I love you Y/N and it is killing me inside because I haven't told you and I don't know if you feel the same way." he said. You were shock, you always thought he was still in love with Katerina. "What about Katerina?" you asked him. "I don't love her anymore. I love you and only you." he said and walked closer to you. "Do you love me or at least like me?" he asked you. You thought about it and all the time you always tried to tell him you liked him but Katerina was always in the way so you gave up. " I do like you like that Elijah but what if katerina comes back and tries to take you back and away from me?" you asked him. "Then I will kill her. Okay so don't worry about that. I will only want you and no one else." he said before he kissed you and you kissed back.

Kol: He was walking you home when he stopped you and kissed you on the lips. He pulled away and looked into you eyes. "I like you Y/N." he said. "And I know you have a boyfriend but I don't care I like you a lot and it is tearing me apart. I need you in my life. And if you don't feel the same I will be embarrassed but I wouldn't care because it was worth it." he said to you. You looked into his and see that he had a little tears in his eyes. You walked closer to him and hugged him tight, he was shocked at first but hugged you back. You looked up to him, "I like you to. I was only dating him because I thought you would never like me." you said and pecked his lips. But he wanted more so he pulled you in closer and you guys started to make out.

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