Preference 16: Someone on TVD flirts with you

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Stefan: You were at the Mystic ball with Stefan when he went to get something to drink. "Well hello beautiful." you turned around to see Tyler. He was trying to flirt with you again. You just rolled your eyes at his stupidness. "Leave me alone Tyler. I don't feel like talking to you." you said. You felt an arm wrap around you and you turned to see it was Stefan." What the hell are you trying to do with my girlfriend, Tyler?" Stefan asked, looking pretty pissed. "I was just keeping Y/N company." Tyler said looking over to me. "Lets just go Stefan. Klaus will deal with him later." you said while dragging Stefan along with you.

Damon: You were at the grill when Enzo came up to sit next to you. "Hello gorgeous." you heard him said. "What do you want Enzo I'm busy studying." you asked him. "I just came to see you." he said and scooted closer to you. "Seriously Enzo I'm busy and I have a boyfriend that is your friend." you said getting up from your seat. "Well I don't see him anywhere." he said and got up as well. Your back was facing the exit so yo didn't see Damon walking in. "I'm right here Enzo so you could leave and leave my girlfriend alone." Damon said and walked towards you and wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you on the cheek.

Klaus: You were at the compound in New Orleans when Marcel came up to you. "Hey Y/N" he said to you. "Hey Marcel." You and Marcel have been friends you came to New Orleans with Klaus. "You look really pretty today." he said to you. "Thank you Marcel." you said and went back to your book that you were reading. "Do you want to go out and get a drink?" he asked you. Before you can answer someone else answered for you. "No she is not going out with you to get a drink because I have planed something for to do with me. So if you don't mind I will be taking Y/N with me." Klaus said and grabbed you to take you upstairs and claim you as his.

Elijah: "When did you get so sexy?" Alaric said to you. You guys were at the lake hanging out. "She always been hot Alaric. So stop flirting with my girlfriend before I kill you." Elijah said and pulled you down to sit on his lap.

Kol: You were at the Mikealson's house hanging out with Kol. You wanted to go outside and get some fresh air. So you told Kol that you were going outside in the back, he let you go while he went upstairs to get something in his room. You walked out to see Damon standing there in front of you. "What are you doing here, Damon?" you asked him. "I came to see the most beautiful girl in the world." he said and walked closer to you. You stepped back and saw Kol walking out with a bat. Damon turned around to see what you where looking at. Before he could say anything Kol swung at his head and came to grab you and take you inside. Before we went in he turned around to tell Damon to stay away from you.

 Before we went in he turned around to tell Damon to stay away from you

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(A/N imagine that you are Elena in this pic. Sorry that Elijah's part was short. Please vote and comment if you want a personal one about you.)

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