Shots....Both kinds

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My name is Theresa and this is the story of how my cousins innocent party got out of hand. Her name is Bridgette and she's 22 I'm only 15 but we have always been extremely close. I told her everything and she kept all my secrets. Ever since I was 13 she would take me to parties or supply me with things I would need if I was throwing a party such as weed alcohol cigarettes etc... Well anyway tonight is her 23rd birthday party and she invited me as well as my boyfriend Ryan and a couple of our friends too since they were also very close to her. She was like the big sister to me and my friends. She has done a lot for us such as kicking ex boyfriends asses and covered up for us when we came home drunk so we wouldn't get in trouble with our parents. Most people would say she's a terrible person for supplying minors with alcohol and drugs but actually by doing that she saved a couple lives. If someone got alcohol poisoning or had side effects from drugs they would tell her and she would fix them (she is also a nurse which is a double bonus). Anyway me her my friends and my boyfriend arrive at her house a little early to help her set up. We put out the cups napkins etc then select something to watch on TV which didn't really matter considering no one watched TV anyway they just talked. One by one her friends start arriving and so do mine and Ryan's. First her bf Zack arrived ironic isn't it I just got my heart broken by a guy named Zack and she's dating a guy named Zack but it didn't bother me because at this point I was with Ryan and completely happy. She introduced us and we all sat in the living room and played games while we waited for the others too arrive. When everyone was their we brought out the birthday cake ,sang happy birthday and let the fun began. My cousin was dared to take 23 shots because its her 23rd B-Day . She only managed to get 17 down before she nearly puked but ayee that girl could hold her alcohol like no bodies business. Must run in the family because I can hold my alcohol fairly well too. We then proceeded to play beer pong and I won! Haha suckers I had actually become quite good at that game but who wouldn't after years of practice. I went into the kitchen with Ryan to get another drink and he lifted me up sat me on the counter and started making out with me. I kissed him back, teased him a bit then pushed him off and told him to save this for later when everyone was smashed so they wouldn't notice. As we headed back into the living room we see Ryan's ex girlfriend starring at us. I didn't think much of it ,they only dated a month and I trusted Ryan completely. In fact I actually liked her she seemed kind of nice. That was until she found out me and him were dating. The minute she found out she got really firm with me and started making rude comments about my outfit. "I don't really think what you have on is appropriate for a 15 year old girl" Had I not been drunk I would of let it slide and played nice but she said it to the top of her lungs attempting to humiliate me. All I said was "I'm sorry but look at your outfit at least mine covers my chest and ass unlike yours. She was wearing a crop top and booty shorts. I was wearing a red minidress with lace tights and a leather jacket so she had no right to comment on my outfit. No one said anything they just stared at me and her. She then proceeded to say " Guys might actually notice you if you showed some skin" I laughed sarcastically and said "Actually bitch guess what guys do notice me, they have respect for me because I have respect for myself you should get some. Right before she could say anything else Ryan stepped in front of me and told her he thinks it would be best if she left. She stormed out as everyone laughed and things went back to normal. We played video games and body shots. All the girls took their dresses off so they were just in lingerie and the guys lined up the shots on our stomachs and took them one by one. Not gonna lie it was pretty exciting. Next we switched and it was the girls turn. After that everyone was pretty smashed and fucked up from the alcohol weed and sugar rush from all the cake. I was getting tired and so was Ryan. He started acting weird I went to go find him. He was in the kitchen with some guy drunk as hell, saying god knows what his words were so slurred. I grab his hand and lead him upstairs to have some alone time. When we get in the room he's sitting on the bed so I sit on top of him wrap my arms around his shoulders and rub my fingers through his hair while i kiss him. He seemed to enjoy that just as much as I did but then I felt a tear coming own his face. When I looked up at him he was crying. I'd only see him cry one other time in all the ten years I've known him so something had to be seriously wrong for him to cry. I asked him what was bothering him but he refused to tell me. He just told me to keep kissing Him. I did what he said because I didn't want to pressure  him into telling me what was wrong if he didn't feel comfortable. We continued to make out did a few other things then went back down stairs. At this point our hair was a mess and we were too drunk to function. I went to tell my cousin something and she was in the kitchen with her bf doing some kinky shit which shall not be named. Needless to say I let her do her business and went into the back yard with Ryan and a few other people. When we got out their a bunch of people were in the hot tub  naked singing some 90's jungle music. Had anyone else seen this they would have been in utter shock but for Ryan and I that was considered normal to some of the shit we've seen in our partying days. Just as I was about to step into the hot tub I vomited all over the grass with Ryan standing right their (so embarrassing). He asks me if I was OK i said yes then down I went again. He ran and got my cousin. When she came out I was on the ground crying. My stomach hurt so bad from the vomiting. She thinks I may have gotten alcohol poisoning from drinking too much until Ryan and about four other people are also lying on the ground puking their guts out. More and more people got sick and no one knew why until this drunk bastard comes out laughing saying he put ipicac in the cake! He continued laughing thinking it was Hilarious everyone was half dead because of him. Then Zack my cousins bf punched him right in the face. Finally the bastard got what he deserved and it was quite entertaining for all the people on the ground to watch. Things got heated pretty quickly and punches were flying then just as Zack was gonna pin him to the ground the bastard pulls a gun on him. I was gonna scream but I was so scared no sound came out. What if he killed him right in front of Bridgette and everyone else here. My heart was beating so fast and i was silent crying. I grabbed Ryan's hand and he whispered "at least If he shoots were on the ground" I then got a text from Bridgette saying "crawl to the side of the house, run to the neighbors house and tell him whats going on" I showed Ryan the text and he helped me get across the lawn without anyone noticing we were leaving. In the distance I could hear the drunk gun man and Zack arguing. We go to the neighbors house and Ryan beat on the door and explained what was going on because I couldn't speak in fear. He grabbed His gun and told us to wait on his porch. We did as we were told and we hear a gunshot. I started sobbing and texting my cousin asking her wtf just happened and no response. That just made me feel worse. I smashed my face in Ryan's chest hugging the life out of him. He kissed my forehead and told me it was okay. About ten minutes later the neighbor comes around the corner with the drunk bastard and beats him until he was on the ground unconscious. Turns out the drunkard shot the ground because Zack said "your bluffing that guns probably not even loaded" what a dumbass but I'm glad no one got hurt. My cousin apologized to me and my friends that we had to experience this. I told her it wasn't her fault and that at least she would always remember her 23rd birthday. She then took me and my friends home at about 4 am. We had school in 2 hours and had to be back in time. The car ride was silent but just as we got out of the car she asked us to all promise we would never speak of what happened that night. We promised then me and Ryan went to his house since my mom thought I was just having a sleepover with my cousin and she would drive me to school in the morning. As soon as we walk in drunk and with our clothes barely on Ryan dad is standing their asking him where hes been why he's drunk and if he took advantage of me. Ryan just flipped him off and told him he would explain in the morning. His dad was still pissed off but agreed so we went to his room and slept for an hour and a half until the alarm went off. I physically could not get out of bed. My eyes were blood shot, my head was pounding and my stomach was still hurting from all the vomiting. Ryan helped me out of bed and to the bathroom. We attempted to get ready but dozed off multiple times in the process. Since I had nothing to wear and i could not go to school in the outfit I wore last night ryan gave me a tee-shirt sweatpants and one of his hoodies to wear. I looked like a homeless person but he thought I looked adorable and his clothes smelled like Him So I didn't mind wearing them at all. Then we headed downstairs for breakfast the part I dreaded the most. His parents were at the table waiting for us. As I sat their awkwardly eating my pop tarts his parents lectured him about getting drunk and smoking weed then told him he was grounded from video games for a month But wait it gets better. Then his mom asks us the rudest question ever "did you guys have sex last night" Ryan lost it and said "Mom are you fucking serious first of all its none of  your business I'm 17 and can do what I want with who I want" so she yelled back "not in my house you can't especially with a 15 year old girl what if you got her pregnant" he then said "I used a condom unlike you and dad , she's only a year younger than me she will be 16 in a month and it didn't happen in your house" His mom then asked me for my mother's phone number so she could inform her of what happened. Just as I was about to reply Ryan grabbed my bags and told me to come on. I couldn't get out of the chair I was too weak from last night so he had to help me up which only made his parents even angrier. We got in the car and he apologized for his parents behaviour on the way too school. I just smiled and told him it was okay. When we got to school everyone started at us. I'm guessing it was for these reasons! 1. I was wearing boy clothes which never happens I always dress fancy for school. 2. We were holding hands and no one ever thought we would be I'm a relationship and 3. Our hair was unwashed unbrushed our eyes were blood shot . It was pretty obvious thatnwe were hungover. When we met up with our other friends they looked like hell too of course a little better than me and Ryan.. In just about everyone of my classes my teachers asked me if i was feeling okay and if I needed to go to the nurses. I simply replied "I'm fine just a little tired I stayed up all night" they told me not to let it happen again. I guaranteed them I wouldn't. If only they knew the truth about last night.

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