Creepy Music Listener

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So here's a great introduction: I look super creepy while I listen to music.

I mean, I can't be the only one who does this, right?

You get in the car with your super annoying family with the super annoying voices and you just want to drown the world out for the next fifteen minutes, so you pop some earbuds in to listen to the same five songs on repeat.

So I'll be sitting there, bopping my head and tapping my feet, lost in the horror that is my brain, when my mom will tap my leg. I'll pull me earbud out and ask her what she wants. She'll say something along the lines of "Are you alright?"

I'll say yes and put the earbud back in, confused at her concern. I'll slowly sink back in to the land of Imagine Dragons and Panic! At The Disco, when I'll realize why she was so worried for my mental state.

You see, when I get in a car, I focus on the scenery. I don't know, it helps me come up with ideas for stories for some reason. I also get into a sort of trance when I listen to music: and those two things don't go well together.

When I listen to music in the car, I look dead. No joke. I'll just sit there, unblinkingly staring off at nothing while my leg bounces uncontrollably. I'll occasionally catch myself doing it and realize how creepy I must look.

Just picture those scenes in movies when a person gets super bad news and just stares at something before they kill someone, and that's me. I've been going out of my way lately to look around at stuff just to make sure I don't scare any children.

Am I the only one who does this? I don't even know anymore.

Peace out, future creature.


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