Pet Peeves

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     So Listen...

     I am not a patient person. Most things annoy me, at least a little bit. However, there are a few things that just make me want to stab someone. Here they are.

     -Being able to hear people chew. Especially when it makes that weird, mushy noise... (shivers)

      -People who question EVERYTHING you do. "Why did you solve the problem like that? Why did you wear your hair like that? Why didn't you do the homework the very first day it was assigned?" 


     -People who assume guys and girls are incapable of being just friends. There's this chick on my bus who, whenever a guy and a girl sit next to each other or someone mentions someone of the opposite gender, immediately asks, "Are you dating?" Like, just because we don't have the same body parts (sorry for being so blunt, but I had to) doesn't mean we have to have a stupid middle school relationship. On that note...

     -People who date in elementary/ middle school. The reason it bothers me so much os because of how they work.

     "Hey, do you want to go out with me?"

    "Sure. You have an attractive face. I definitely don't know your personality or anything, but we can talk about that later."

     10 minutes later 

     "I love you, babe."

     It's like, no first date, no previous interaction, but you instantly love this person because you both think the other looks nice.

     -This one is pretty specific, but people who argue with the teacher in class every. damn. day. I have this one kid in my math class who thinks it's just the best idea to give us new ways of solving a formula that WE DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO SOLVE ONE WAY."

      -People who don't know how to take social clues. Again, there's this one guy in my band class (trebleclef, you know who I'm referring to) that doesn't shut up when you obviously don't want to talk and doesn't listen to our band teacher for more than 3 seconds. He talks when the teacher's talking, slouches like crazy, and is just all around disruptive.

     -Fake pockets. 'nuff said.

     -Parents who don't care what their child does. My cousin has two young sons and a newborn daughter. He lets his sons run around, scream, hit, and shoot people with fake guns while putting forth a minimal amount of effort to stop them. 

     -People who don't care about school, so they put forth every effort to make sure nobody can enjoy it.

     "Where's the homework assignment?"

     "I didn't do it."

     Every. Damn. Day.

     -People who make the same comment insulting one of your interests regularly just to get a rise out of you. At one point, one of the people in my trumpet section would come up to me every day and say, "Radioactive is Imagine Dragon's only good song."

     1.) That is absolutely not true, it's just the most popular.

     2.) After a while, I stopped caring so he would say it again. And again. And AGAIN. I was so done.

     Leave any of your own pet peeves in the comments or whatever. I can't tell you what to do.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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