Tears of Anna's past

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I set in the back seat wondering if it was all my fault that this has happened. I hear the sirens and i still have flash backs of the incident. "Are you alright back there sweetie?" I hear the counselor ask. I shake my head yes. And look back at the window. Watching as every house every car and every light flies past me. I get cold so I take my jacket and cover up and lay down in the back seat I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I wake up to someone carrying me. It scares me and I scream. "It's all right I have you I got you" I hear a man say. We go in a house and he lays me on a couch. He covers me with a blanket and I close my eyes once agin.

A couple minutes later I can hear a man and a woman talking. "How old is she?" The man asks. "She is 6" says the woman. Wow "what happened to her?" "She witnessed her father killing her mother and then her father tried to kill her but couldn't find her and shot himself in the head" Says the woman"wow and she remebers it all?" The man asks in a questioning ton. Well we aren't sure yet she hasn't spoken one word since we found her." Says the woman "so she's in shock?" "Yes"

1 am

I wake up screaming to the top of my lungs kicking and sweating. I hear the guy and the woman coming in tryin to calm me down but I still don't stop the lady grabs me and holds me tight in her arms holding me and comforting me telling me everything is alright and that I'm fine I shake my head no no no no I finally say my first words for the longest time "NOOO NOOO NOOO I want mommy mommy I want mommy" I say screaming and trying to stop but it keeps coming out"I know u do its all right" the woman brings me with her in her bed room and rocks me in this rocking chair rubbing my back and telling me it's all right . I finally fall back to sleep .

It's the next morning I wake up and walk into the kitchen I see the woman and the man. The man is reading a news paper and the woman is cooking something. "Well hello sunshine are you hungry?" I shake my head no and walk to the front room to get my cloths to get dressed I grab them and walk to the bathroom and put my cloths on. After I'm done I get my doll and do the same to her. Everyone thinks I'm stupid and that I don't know anything I think to myself but I'm not stupid I know what happened daddy killed mommy and now mommy and daddy are gone I'm alone and it's all my fault. After I'm done I walk back to the front room and they ask me if I'm sure I don't want anything to eat I shake my head no once agin and then the man ask me " you want to watch anything on tv?" I shake my head once more and just lay back down with my doll

"Anna" we have to take you to meet some people today. Says the woman. I have a questioning look on my face so I know she knows I was questioning it "there going to take care of you an you'll be going to school and meet new people it will be fun" she says I look at her like she's crazy and then she says it will be fun and she walks back to the kitchen then the man walks In and sets by me and says we're gonna watch some tv ok it will be good to get your mind off of things I shake my head and rays my shoulders up as in sure I guess so and then he turns the tv on. A cartoon is on he looks at me and says what about this one he makes a funny face at me and it makes me laugh I try not to but I just start to giggle and then he turns it agin and people speaking something else was one "how about this huh it's just like Dora right?" I start to laugh and he tickles me and I just start laughing so hard. I try not to laugh I try to stop to show I'm not enjoying any of it but how can I not enjoy it?!

It's time to go I have all my stuff ready and I don't want to leave. I like this family the man and woman are nice to me. But I have to we get in the car and we drive off.


P.s still working on the title name

Tears of Anna's pastWhere stories live. Discover now