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The bell rings as the kids fill the seats I lay my head down on my desk. And close my eyes for just a minute then I open my eyes and there he is.! Jude Tyson. "Hey Anna um no you are not going to be in this class, you were hit by a car!" He says and grabs my arm to pull me up. "NOO! I'm not going anywhere" I yell the teacher comes over and asks what's going on? "Anna was walking to school and she got..." "Sick" I cut him off "but I'm fine now" I lie. "No she got hit by a car can I pleaseee take her to the nurses office?" "Yes but not to long ok?" "Yes ma'am" Jude response. As we walk down the hall I fell dizzy and things around me begin to blur. I stumble and fall to my feet.. "Anna!" Jude yells. I can't see straight everything seems to just be blobs. He grabs me and picks me up and caries me to the nurses. I here the nurse say something but I can't make it out. He lays me on the bed thing and it isn't comfortable at all but I don't care I just want to sleep. As I close my eyes they yell at me to keep them open. "Uhh why can't I sleep I just want to sleep" I mumble. "What happen?" Asked the nurse. She got hit by a car

When I wake up I'm in a hospital bed.. As I look around I see Jude.. "Hey what happened? Why am I here?" I ask Jude he comes over by my side and tells me that I past out walking to the nurses and everything. "Oh" I turn to my side and I'm thinking do my parents know. "Hey Jude, does my parents know? About what happened?" I ask "yes they called them and they didn't seem to worried I guess but hey you have me right?" He smiles and winks. I smile an whisper to my self right. "Jude why are you here anyway?" I ask... A few minutes later he response "Because I was worried about you Anna.! Your my friend at least in my book you are and I want to help and be by your side through this! All of this!" while grabbing my hand and looking into my eyes with a big smile. I get lost in them for a few minutes or so. Then I finally snap out of it once the nurse comes in the room."hey sweetie is everything all right?" Yeah it is I smile and move up. "Hey ,hey now Anna be careful please!" Jude says worriedly I'm fine Jude I'm fine I say with a smile. As the nurse comes over she tells Jude he can go get something to eat or at least leave the room for a little while. As he leaves the nurse starts talking to me.

"Nice boy right there. I would keep him and never let him go he really cares about you" smirking as she talks. "Huh? Are you talking about him? Jude? He isn't my boyfriend! He's my .....friend it seems weird for me to say that but I actually have a FRIEND! "Oh ok! Huh I guess I was wrong. But you to seem to be together and he likes you missy" smiling once agin. Thanks I say and she walks out and I lay back down and close my eyes and go back to sleep.

5:56 am

Jude's setting in the chair sleeping. I get up and walk to the find the bathroom. The hospital seems all quiet and empty. I walk on the cold floor wondering where the nurses are. Hello!! I yell I can't hear anyone. I try waking back to my room but someone stops me. "Hello Anna" the voice sounds familiar. I turn around slowly. To see who it was. SCOTT!!

What are you doing here? "Oh I'm just visiting people you know people who need help or so" yeah but who you visiting? "You" he says with a grinch like smile. Ok we'll nice seeing you Scott talk later ok? "Yeh no missy you got away from me before you aren't getting away from me now" he grabs my hand and pulls me into a closet I'm screaming and kicking but as I see and as I hear no one can hear me..

I start to cry and I'm fighting to get out of his arms I bite his arm so he might let go. Didn't work then I elbow him he moans and loosens his grip around my throat from his arm. I do it as many times as I can so I can get away from him. I get him to let go and I run off open the door and run out screaming and panting and falling as I run. Help me please help Jude Jude help someone help!! I say in fear. I hear Scott trying to catch up to me.

He's falling as well so makes me have more time to get back to my room or run into someone at least. I run down the hall and then I run into Jude. I grab him and hug him so tight he hugs me even tighter and I let go and tell him get in the room please and looks confused so I scream it and he just stands there and here comes Scott. With his grinch face smirk. "Well now who is this annalez" DON'T call me that Scott!! I scream and then he grabs my arm and pulls me to him "I will call you anything I want to call you! You got that little whore" Jude gets mad as I can see and starts fighting Scott to let me go Scott kicks him and he falls to ground. Then last thing I know I'm being carried out of the hospital like the night when I was 6 and went to that nice family! But this isn't as nice and comfortable as then.

I wake up to find myself back in the hospital bed with Jude's hand holding mine. He's a sleep and I look around in fear. Jude. What happened? I ask "that guy Scott tried to take you Anna. I couldn't let him take you" he says with fear in his eyes. I'm sorry Jude for putting you in this I really am. "No Anna! No you shouldn't be because I want to be in your life I want to be there for you! Your amazing and I don't want you to fight this stuff alone!" He says like he really cares about me.. Jude why do you care about me?

"I'm not sure. Your just different in a good away. I liked you from the first time I seem you." He says

But the first time you seen me was like a month ago..? "No Anna. You must not remember me. We've met before. We were best friends when we were littler and then I moved away." He says. Oh I must not remember I'm sorry. "It's okay, now lay back down and get some rest for me please?" Okay. I say

I turn to my side and close my eyes with a smile on my face and in my head the same thing is repeating. "I have a friend who cares about me."

I wake up with Jude still holding my hand in the chair next to me. His hand feels amazing in mine. I must have woken Jude by moving because next thing I notice he says "hey Anna, how'd you sleep" I slept fine I say "good" he smiles and I smile back. "I'm going to go get something to eat you want something?" He asks. No I say. He walks out of the room and I turn back to my side. Still thinking an wondering and then I hear his voice. Scott's voice. Scott why won't you just leave me alone!!? "Annalez you know what I want and who's that boy? It surely isn't your boyfriend is it?" No Scott now go away!! He's just a friend! Scott walks over by me and looks at me. And says "annalez your mine! No ones but mine!" Then before I know it he's on the bed on top of me. Covering my mouth with hands. I'm screaming but it just sounds like mumbles. I'm kicking but he's not budging. "You shouldn't have been such a bad girl annalez! You shouldn't had said anything and maybe this would have been funner"

••As I'm screaming and trying to get him off of me he's just enjoying his time making little moans and I'm crying kicking. I hear Jude walking and talking to some other people I try to get louder so maybe he would hear me. I scream Jude I guess hears it and runs to the door but the door is locked and he's pushing and pushing trying to get in but the door won't open." Let me Anna please let me in!" "Anna! What's goin on are you alright??" Scott gets off me and buttons his pants I get up set up and curl in a ball crying "stop your crying annalez! You know you liked it"

Jude brakes the door down and sees me crying and rocking he comes over to me to comfort me and Scott runs out. "Anna!! What happened? Oh dear god please tell me! Let me in" I don't speak I just keep rocking and crying. He takes me back to my bed and covers me back up with the blanket. Jude! I say. "Yes Anna?" Jude response. Can you lay with me? I ask. Jude doesn't say anything he just climbs in the bed with me raps his arms around me and locks his fingers with mine. He whispers in my ear. "Ann I love you" I turn to face him. I love you too Jude! With a smile on my face.


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