Breakups and Makeups

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Molly's POV
How could he do this to me!? I thought he loved me!? And I caught him locking lips with that...that.... WENCH!!

The last thing I see is A, bending over to make sure I was ok. Clearly I wasn't. Then everything faded to black.

Adriana's POV

I grab the sweets, and put them in the kitchen. Then I rush back to Molls, to see her laying on the ground crying, and all of a sudden she blacked out.

Panicking as I always do, I dial my Doctor, Doctor Who. His last name is actually Whoclackstinebry, but as you can see, I'm too lazy to pronounce the whole thing. So I call him Doctor Who.

He tells me she'll be fine, and that it's probably just stress and that she had an emotional breakdown. He told me to put her on bed rest until she wakes up, and then to give her plenty of water and Advil.

I somehow managed to lay her on my bed, and went downstairs to find my babies. Aka, my Yorks. I feed my puppies, etc., etc.

Half an hour later I hear a voice croak, "Agua. Now."

I laugh. Same old Molls.

I get her the water, and the Advil, and we sit on the couch. I gather the sweets and we being our girls night.

Halfway through Captain America: The Winter Soldier, she mutes the movie, and asks to talk. Of course, I said yes.

"What happened?" I start the conversation.

She sniffles, "Well, I came by Marco's flat, to say where I was going, and I got in using my key, ya know? So I call for him, but he doesn't answer. So I go to his room, to see him and this...this.... EVIL THING! Who I nicknamed Wench, by the way, locking lips!! And he STILL didn't notice i was there!"

"Oh Molls! I'm so sorry. He doesn't know what he just threw away. Did you guys even break up officially?"

"No." She answers as she wioes a tear away.

I grab the phone, and hold it out to her expectantly. She grabs it hesitantly, as if she was having a mental battle with her self.

"Molls, you don't have to. But I'll ALWAYS be here to comfort and help through any heartbreak.

"Thanks A." She cracks a small smile, and dials the number.

Forty five minutes later, Molly was as happy as can be. I told her about Simon's quick visit, and that perked her spirits. I also just told her about the phone call, and she is chatisising me about it right now.

"Call him."




"Call Him!!"





"Hey! DON'T call me Horan!"

"At least you didn't say no.", she smirks.

I groan. "Ughhhhhhhhh. Do I have to?" I whine.

"Sorry sweetie. But yes. You made me call Marco."

"Ugh. Fine. I hate when you're right."

She smiles victoriously. I roll my eyes. I'll get back at her for this.

The number I've had burned into my brain since the 6th grade, flashes on my screen, showing me it's dialing.

On the 5th ring, he answers.

"H-hello? Adri? I mean, Adriana? Is it really you?"

"Y-yah, it's me."

"Oh, you have no idea how much I've missed your voice."

I laugh. "Always the one to attach, aren't we?"

We laughed for what seems like hours, and at one point, we end up using Facetime. We haven't talked about the X-Factor yet, but quite frankly, I don't want to.

As Niall recalls one of our many food fights, I can't help but notice how cute he looks, laying there, in his pillow, with his hair all messy.

Wait, did I just say cute!?

All of a sudden, he says, "Adriana, I'm so sorry, but I have to go. I have a show tomorrow, and a photoshoot."

"Aw, that's ok Ni."

"Ni??" He looks perplexed.

"Well, yah, I mean, unless you don't wanna call me Adri again..." I joke, and fade my voice off.

"No! No! I'd love to! Bye Adri. Love ya"

My heart started running a marathon.

"Love ya too Ni. Have fun."

We hang up, and I think I have a problem.

"MOLLS!", I scream, as I run into the living room.

She looks up from her phone. "What?"

I explained the past 2 hours to her, and she squealed so loud I swore dogs in South America could hear it.

"You love him!"




"A, we are NOT DOING this again. But, if you don't love him, then you like him."

I comprehend her words. I don't like him, right? My heart onmy flipped cause I was excited to be talking with him right?

Maybe I do like him???

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