I Now Pronounce You Husband And Wife/ Carnival Part 1

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Adriana's POV

Molls and I woke up the next morning, to the sound of a door bell.

We looked at each other confused, but I got up, sadly, and answered the door.

There stood Simon. He was wearing black jeans, for once, as Molly tells me he almost never wears jeans, only sweatpants, and his black Sidemen hoodie. He's wearing black vans, as well.

"Hey Simon.", I chirp.

" Hey Adriana. Is Molly here? She's here like everyday, so I thought I'd try again, since she wasn't here last night."

I laugh, "True. She is. And yea, I'll call for her." I turn around, and yell to wherever in the flat, "MOLLS!! BUTTOCKS!! HERE!! AT THE DOOR!! NOW!!"

"Geez, geez, ok!", she says, while waking around the corner from I assume the kitchen.

She gasps as she sees who's at the door.

" Simon!?"

"Hey Molly." He nervously says, and waves a tiny bit, with his right hand.

He suddenly turns to me, "Hey, can we have a minute?"

"Yah, of course!", I reply, while waiting for them to talk.

" A-lone.", he adds after about a minute of me staying put.

"Oh! Right! Haha, I'll just be going now.", I realize, as I walk to the kitchen to make pancakes.

Thank goodness I can hear their conversation.


Simon's POV

Once Adriana leaves, Molly and I are quiet. It's almost....awkward. But not.

I notice Molly has a matching Sidemen sweatshirt over her Captain America pajamas. I inwardly chuckle. She's so cute.

I start us off by saying, "Um, so, uh, I, uh, assume tour wondering why I'm here-", she cuts me off.

"Well, yea. It's not everyday your ex from the 10th grade talks to you again.", she giggles.

I chuckle, " ANYWAY, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe...uh, you see, there's this carnival coming up, and I-", she cuts me off, again.

"Yes! I'd love to go with you! And, please don't be mad, but I'm gonna invite A to go with Niall, but not with us, if you don't want to. She'd just be bored half to death if she didn't get to go."

I laugh, in understanding. "Yea, sure that's fine. Hey, do you have my new number?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Here, it's, 777-777-7777."

I watch as she puts it into her phone.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, and I see I have a text from Josh.

Hey, we NEED u for the video, so get your little hiney over here.

Another buzz.


I laugh.

"Hey, Molly, I gotta go. Josh needs me to film a video. But I assume you'll be watching it tomorrow?" I say, referencing to her sweatshirt.

She looks down, at the sweatshirt, obviously forgetting she had it on, and blushes.

"Bye", she says softly." I'll text you later.", she adds.

And with that, I walk to my car, feeling like a new man.

Of course, a new man forgets almost everything, and I have to go back, but find Adriana saying, "I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU HUSBAND AND WIFE!!", While throwing flower petals.

I swear that girl's been dropped on the heads a few times.

" Hey! I heard that!", and annoyed Adriana says, while wacking me with a bunch of flowers.

Oops. Guess I said that it loud.

"No! I just wanted to hit you for no reason whatsoever!", she says, with sarcasm dripping heavily throughout her voice.


Adriana's POV

Eep!!! So cute!!!! I'm so glad they don't whisper!!

I sneak up behind Molls, and have my flower petals in hand, with a basket in the other.

When she turns around I say, "I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU HUSBAND AND WIFE!!", while throwing the petals around Molls. She just glares at me, and I realize Simon's still here. Oops.

"I swear that girl's been dropped on the heads a few times." Simon claims.

" Hey! I heard that!", Is say annoyed, while wacking him with a bunch of flowers.

"Oops. Guess I said it out loud." He says, again.

"No! I just wanted to hit you for no reason whatsoever!", I say, with sarcasm dripping heavily throughout my voice.

-Flash Forward to the Carnival-

Adriana's POV

Niall and I still haven't talked about the X-Factor, and I'm starting to want to keep it that way. I just don't want another fight.

Niall agreed to come with me to the Carnival, as friend of course. Though, I am trying to fight the butterflies and the heart marathons.

Molls came over to get ready here, a d we're waiting to get picked up by both of the boys. They'll pick us up together, and we'll all go out separate ways until we leave.

Molls is wearing her matching Sidemen hoodie, with light washed jeans, and her Doctor Who shoes, that I had the courtesy of buying for her, after buying half of my outfit a few years ago. She also has blue eye-shadow, to match the shoes, pink lipstick, and her hair down in loose curls.

I, however, have darker jeans, with my 1D sweatshirt and shoes, that she decided to buy me, because she insisted Niall and I were going to speak again someday. She was right. I have natural eye makeup, but a blood red lipstick, To match the shoes, and my hair is in a pony tail, but curly.

The door bell rings, and Molly goes to answer it.

Off to the Carnival we go!!

Enjoy Mrs. Minter! And everyone else!


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