Chapter 18

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Camila's pov

I pulled away when I felt my lips kissing back. "I can't Austin."

"Why not?" He says.

"Y/n, we kind of well have a thing going on." I say.

"With her? What the hell. When did it start!" He screamed.

"The day I found out about you cheating." I look down.

"You fucking whore." He says mad.

"I'm-I'm sorry."

He leafs before anything happens.

Y/n pov

I wake up to a loud bang. I look around and I was in my room with lexa beside me curled in a ball. I look at the time. 6:00

I get up from my bed and head to the loud bang that woke me up.

"Hey." I say to Camila.

"Hey." Camila says tiredly.

"Are you okay?" I say worried.

She nods. "Where's lexa?"

"In my room sleeping." I said.

"We need to talk." She Camila said.

I nod and went towards her in the kitchen. "What's up?"

"I don't think we should keep doing this, I miss Austin. And I love him." She says. Suddenly I feel something in my throat. I try to say something but nothing comes out. My heart starts to feel broken down in a million Pieces.

I sit there trying to find words to say something but instead I just leave.

"Y/n wait." Is all I here before closing the door.

I go to my friends apartment that I meet 2 In a half months ago. Ariana.

A/n so I'm going to be updating "making memories" more then this fic. But I will be updating this fic like 2 times a week.

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