Chapter 28

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I walk in the hospital Camila was at. I had to talk to her before I left, I deserve an explanation.

I walk towards the room hoping Austin wasn't there. I look at Camila who was on her phone, typical. But no Austin.

I knock on the door that was beside me and she looks up at me. She smiles and I smile back a little.

"Where's Austin?"

"He um, he left." I nod lightly and sit by her.

"I just came by so you can give me an explanation."

Her brows furrow and looks at me confused. "Explanation for what?"

"Are you serious Camila? When were you Austin's girlfriend? When did that shit happen? And why the fuck did you leave me for a piece of shit when your having my fucking baby?"

Camila looks down not answering me.

"Fucking answer me." I yell. I can feel tears rolling down my cheek. My throat gains a lump.

"Stop screaming." She whisper yells.

"Fine, but answer me." I clean out my tears with my jacket and sniff up my nose.

"I- I love him y/n."

"Yeah and you "loved" him when he cheated on you."

"He told me he didn't mean it! His a good guy if you just got to know him."

"I'll never have the time to get to know him, he stole you from me 2 fucking times in high school and fucking now. And you know what? I'm fucking done. I'm done going back with you because you'll never change, you'll always choose him over me I'm done being there when he breaks your heart. I'm fucking done falling for you over and over again when all you do is hurt me. The only thing you are to me is the mother of my child. But one thing, I'm gonna be here when my child is born I don't give a fuck if Austin is your boyfriend, on check ups I'm gonna be there. On every single little thing that has to do with that baby I'm gonna be there. Have a nice fucking life with Austin." I walk out of the hospital before Camila can ever talk. I'm so fucking done with her bullshit. Atleast I'll have Tori to calm me down.

I walk to a coffee shop Tori wanted to meet me in. It was really pretty, but it was on the other side of town. I walk in and look around for Tori.

She was sitting in the far right of the coffee shop. She was on her phone waiting for me, she was so freakin beautiful.

I walked a few more steps closer. She looks up at me and smiles brightly, showing her dimples.

"Hey you made it." She says.

"Of course, I couldn't miss seeing you again."

She blushes and sits back down. I sit infront of her.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I take it out.

Camila😌- You didn't let me explain. Please call me when you wanna talk.

Y/n- fuck off

I roll my eyes and put my phone down.

"Are you okay?" Tori asks.

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