Your pov
I walked in my apartment, & saw lexa naked running around.
"Lexa!" I said. She glanced at me.
"Daddy! Mommy is making me take a shower and I don't wanna!!" She stomped her feet.
"Okay princess, shh. I need to tell you something." She got quiet and I kneeled down at her.
"What is it? Did you buy me something!!" She said happy.
"No, but I'm going away for a few days but I'm going to come back in a week."
"Like Austy?" She asked looking down.
"Kind of, don't worry princess I'll buy you something down there."
"Really??" She jumped. I nodded.
"Where are you gonna go?" She asked.
"Californ-" I got interrupted by Camila walking in.
"Oh hey." I looked up & saw Camila.
I got up and looked at lexa. "Princess go in the bathroom."
"But da-." I interrupted her.
"I'll make you Mac n cheese after." She smiled and ran to the bathroom.
"Hey." I said fake smiling to Camila.
"Y/n I'm sorry I-"
"No Camila. I'm okay. I'm fine. I went Ariana's house and talked her. And she made me feel better."
"Oh, okay." She smiled.
"Yeah, well I bet lexa needs you." I chuckled. She chuckled to and went back to the bathroom.
A few minutes later I heard lexas little feet running.
"Dad!" She was standing there with a towel around her small body. Her hair was to her shoulders which was dripping in the floor.
"Princess." I laughed softly.
"Go change in my room, then I'll make you Mac n cheese." She nodded and went to my room with Camila behind her.
Skip to Friday (with you&ariana go to Cali)
Ari👀💦 - be ready I'm gonna be there soon
Y/n - Okay😘
"Y/n." I looked behind me and saw Lauren.
"Hey, I haven't seen u like in 3 days." I said weirdly.
"Oh it's cause I was with Justin." She shyly said.
"Justin bieber?" She nodded. I oed my mouth understanding.
"So were are you going?" She asked looking at my backpack & little suitcase packed.
"Cali." Her eyes lit up like how lexa does sometimes.
"Does Camila know?" I shook my head.
"Only lexa."
"Well good luck then." she smiled and went to her room.
I started to play games & mess with my phone.
Ari👀💦- Come outside, and hurry our flight leaves in 20.
I turned my phone off & went to Lauren's room.
"Hey I'm about to leave. So I'll text you later okay?"
She nodded. "Text me when you land." I nodded as well and grabbed my bags.
This chapter was kind of boring but eh.
Also sorry for any mistakes.