Chapter Two: Small Favours

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My heart was pounding rapidly in my chest, I could not fathom the unbelievable situation that had been explained to me over the phone. Getting up off the couch my mind couldn't adjust to what was happening and I stumbled over and fell into the kitchen. "Fuck" Was what escaped my mouth unwillingly as I hit the floor. I recomposed myself and made my way to my room, who knew how long I would have to be there. I grabbed my duffel bag a threw a bunch of clothes in it, I then flew down stairs and threw my bag by the door, it made a bit of a crash as it was flung into the door, waking Arianah up.

I calmly walked into her room, her quiet crys emanating from her crib. Her small face was scrunched up and teas were gently rolling down her rose coloured cheek. "Shh, it's ok Ari, everything will be ok" I told her, my voice breaking on the lie. I had no idea if everything would be ok or not. That was what scared me the most. I lay her in her pink car seat carrier, she started to slowly drift off to sleep again. I hurriedly grabbed some nappies and spear clothes for her, a bottle or two of milk and some toys, just in case. I took Ari to the car first and buckled her seat into the car. I then went back and grabbed my bag and her bag, also getting my keys and wallet. Just as i was on my way out, i kicked my foot against the door, nerves playing in my actions, pain shot up my foot, i winced and kept walking but it hurt to walk on it. Shit. i locked the house and chucked our bags into the back.

Once i got into the car, i took a deep breath and tried to calm myself, as i brought my hand up to turn on the car, i noticed that my hand was shaking profusely. I shook them out and started the car. Turning the GPS on, as i had no clue as to where i was going. The hospital was about 20 minutes from where we lived, but that was going 100m/h on the motor way. I reached to hospital in record time, my heart had picked up speed as i had gotten closer and closer to the illuminant building. My hands had been sweating, losing some grip on the steering wheel. I parked as close to the entrance as i could, i left mine and Ari's bags in the car, i could always come back to get them. Arianah had fallen back asleep on the ride, she was such an easy baby.

I raced into the hospital, almost falling over my feet, a few nurse's looked at me strange. i walked up to the front desk, calming my aperance. "Uhh, hi. I'm looking for a Lucy Erikson, i got a phone call from a guy who said his name was Donald Greyson?" I said, my voice becoming worried as i saw some police officers walking around the corner, followed by a guy in normal clothes but he had some kind of a badge on, he was tall, his hair was black that had grey streaks in afew places, he had a decent sized beard, not to make him look like a biker, but just to make him look like he had a lot of authority. "Harley?" the man said looking me up and down, his eyes landing on Arianah, pity leaked into his eyes, with knowledge that i had no clue of. "That would be me, Sir" I replied back to him stepping to face him, the lady at the desk watching everything. The man gave a nod to the lady and she dissaperd behind some selfs.

"I'm Dectctive Greysons son" the man said holding out his hand. "Harley, but you already knew that" i said giving a curt smile and shaking his hand. Detective Greyson smiled slightly at my bad joke, and then composed himself, making his face appear kinder. "That i did, now son.." Detective Greyson said putting his hand on my shoulder and directing me down the hall, i had just enough time to grab Arianah's carrier. "I would prefer if you called me Harley, Detective" i said to him, he looked at me for a second, anilising my request. "Right" he paused. "Harely, you must understand one thing before you go and see your mother, she was shot directly in the chest, from about 2 meters away, so the bullet went quite deep, she is on life support at the moment and is in a medicaly enduced coma, also i will need to ask you some questions after you see her, its protical" He said as we got into the elevtor at the end of the hall. He pressed ICU, and my heart sunk, all this information, and I realised right then standing in the elevator that my life was about to change forever, and not for the better.

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